Here at JetKids®, we love kids, and we love traveling! We want to make the travel experience as comfortab-
le, fun and safe as possible for both parents and kids. Although we feel confident that you will find the Bed-
Box® simple and quite straightforward in use, we want to point out a few important things regarding proper
• The BedBox® is not a toy and not a scooter. It is primarily a premium hand luggage dimensioned suitcase.
It is possible for a child to sit on, ride on and being pulled on the BedBox®. You will most likely find it easy
in maneuvering, and also very convenient when traveling with kids. It is probably one of the most stable
ride-on suitcases you will find on the market. However, it is important to know that different kids have diffe-
rent activity levels. Some kids will be able to obtain more speed than others, and accidents may occur. The
usage of safety gear should be considered to minimize the risk of any accidents.
Pulling/shoulder strap
Swivel wheels for easy maneuvering
Push buttons (for removing/opening lid)
Hand strap
Molded imprint for feet support