Operator Instructions
The Smoothie™ pipette filler may be used with glass
or plastic pipettes to facilitate the pipetting of a wide
range of liquids. Pipettes within the volume range of
1ml to 25ml can be used.
When correctly used, the liquid should only come into
contact with the pipette.
Operating Instructions
1. Fitting the pipette
Carefully attach the pipette by inserting it into
the silicone holder inside the nose cone. Do not
use force.
2. Choosing the correct thumb wheel setting
The Smoothie™ is equipped with a rotating
thumb wheel which advances the piston up and
down the barrel for aspiration and dispensing. The
unique thumb wheel can be set at two different
dispense resolutions for maximum accuracy
depending on the volume of liquid being
dispensed. Fast filling for volumes of 10ml to 25ml
is possible when the thumb wheel is positioned to
the right. This is the default setting. Whenever you
are working with pipettes smaller than 10ml we
recommend that you choose the fine setting –
whereby the thumb wheel is positioned to the left.
To change the thumb wheel setting the piston
must be in its lowest position (image 1A). To
change from the default setting to the fine setting
use the thumb of your right hand to push the
thumb wheel by pressing the thumb wheel button
all the way in to the left (image 1B). With your left
hand rotate the fixing button until the gear
locator is locked in its respective groove ( image
1C), thus holding the thumb wheel in its new
position. The thumb wheel should now be
positioned to the left. The pipette is now ready for
work in its fine setting as recommended for
volumes less than10ml.
Image 1.
Choose the correct thumb wheel.
Piston in low position.
Rotate the fixing button.
Image 2.
Rotate the thumb wheel to fill
the pipette.
Image 3.
Press the dispense lever down to
empty the pipette by gravity.