2D has a good function which store a lot of data more than 1D bar code. 2D is recognized by 2D
reader and 2D can be stored a lot of data. Therefore it is suitable to the mark of the automated line.
In this mode, when it marks the inputted data and number. This mode make them convert to 2D code.
And then marks with a data in the square and store the data.
Being used 2D code on MK-100 is ECC-200,each data is marked by a dot in the square.
It marks like above and a small cell is indicated a Dot.
Below pictures are to recognize the marked data on the engine block by 2D code reader.
[Picture1: Good screen of 2D code] [Picture2: Failure screen of 2D code]
Picture 1 recognizes the 2D code exactly and picture 2 is failure due to moisture, oil and dispersivity.
Because mark of the 2D code use the light and shade of engrave with a dot, if Dot is veiled, it may not be
Recognized. Before use 2D code, remove dispersivity.