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7.6 Verifying electronic devices
In accordance with the applicable German safety regulations (Accident Prevention and Insur-
ance, DGUV regulation 3 / regulation 4), electrical installation and equipment have to undergo
inspection at regular intervals. For this purpose, the fixing screw of the 5-pin DMX socket may
serve as measuring point for the insulation and fault current measurement. This screw is con-
nected to all sheet metal parts by means of a contact disc.
PE - measurement point
7.5 Software update
To update the fixture via PC/Notebook, a upgrade dongle (USB/DMX converter) with software is
required. The upgrade dongle has to be connected to the fixture with a 5 pin XLR connector. The
software for the products is available from the JB-Lighting homepage at
7.4 Cleaning the fixture
To ensure a long and satisfying performance of the fix-
ture, check function of the fans in the head and in the
base from time to time. Most important: make sure that
there is no dust or fluff covering the louvres.
To clean the fixture open the head cover (3 pieces Phil-
lips screw with quarter turn opener) and the baseplate.
Use a brush and a vacuum cleaner to remove dust and
fluff. Additional remove the gobo module (1) and the
CMY module (2) by removing the knurled screws (3).
Now you can clean the color filters, the glass gobos and
the CMY disks with a lint-free cloth and some window
cleaner. To clean the frost it‘s easy to swing it outside
the fixture. To clean the prism please remove the stop
(5) by loosing the screw (4) with a torx screwdriver (T10).
After removing the stop you can move the prism flap
upwards to clean it! After cleaning of the frost and the
prism move both back in the unit and remount the stop.
Also reinsert the gobo and CMY module. Be careful not
to bend or damage any parts during cleaning.
Incompetent performance of the maintenance will invalidate the warranty claims. Consult quali-
fied service technicians!
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