Jaylor Owner Manual
5000 Series Truck Mount Models
This section covers the maintenance required for your Jaylor mixer. It is essential that your Jaylor receives
this maintenance to retain the safety, dependability, and performance originally built into the product. By
following a careful service and maintenance program for your machine you will enjoy many years of trouble-
free service. In some cases, the maintenance required may necessitate the assistance of qualified service
personnel. Please consult with your dealer or distributor for assistance with such services.
Always keep this manual, and leave it with the machine when sold. The maintenance record, plus
maintenance receipts, may be needed for warranty repairs. It is suggested that receipts be kept with this
section. A convenient log for recording maintenance performed is provided in
All information provided in this section is for maintenance and service of your Jaylor mixer.
Maintenance on the truck should be accounted for when creating your maintenance schedule.
Consult the manual provided by your truck manufacturer.
Maintenance Safety
1. Follow ALL the operating, maintenance and safety information in the manual.
2. Support the machine with blocks or safety stands when changing tires or working beneath.
3. Follow good shop practices.
4. Use only tools, jacks and hoists of sufficient capacity for the job.
5. When parking mixer, place on a flat, level surface, put controls in neutral, apply parking
brake, stop engine, remove ignition key, and wait for all moving parts to stop. Be sure to let
engine and hydraulic system cool to a safe temperature before servicing, adjusting or
repairing any of these components.
6. Make sure all guards are in place and properly secured when maintenance work is
7. Before applying pressure to a hydraulic system, make sure all lines, fittings, and couplers
are tight and in good condition.
8. Keep hands, feet, hair, and clothing away from all moving and/or rotating parts.
9. Clear area of bystanders (especially small children), when carrying out any maintenance,
repairs, adjustments or testing.
Model and Serial Number
Always give your dealer/distributor the model number and serial number of your Jaylor mixer when
ordering parts or requesting service or other information. See
number. Depending on the type of service, the serial numbers of individual components and/or assemblies
will be required.
Following an Effective Maintenance Schedule
It is the owner/operator’s responsibility to operate, lubricate, maintain, and store the machine in
accordance with all instructions and safety procedures.
Remember to incorporate truck maintenance into the schedule. Please refer to the maintenance and
service manual provided by the truck manufacture for direction when creating the schedule.
Remember, the guidelines established in this manual are general. All maintenance and service work is
limited to these guidelines. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your Jaylor Dealer
or Distributor.