800-CT8-LP module
DIN rail
End bracket
UMG 801
Fig.: Front view of the UMG 801 with coupled 800-CT8-LP module (installation example)
5. After successfully coupling the bus connectors
(of the devices), mount end brackets to the se-
ries of meters and modules.
6. Wire the module and apply voltage to the basic
device (your system).
800-CT8-LP module
End bracket
Please note the following for the setup and dimension-
ing of your measurement device and module topology:
·The UMG 801 basic device has 2x4 current mea-
suring channels and allows current measurement in
the mA range via the multifunction channels (only
with suitable current transformers).
·1 module of the type 800-CT8-LP has 8 current
measuring channels with current measurements
exclusively via low-power current transformers
0 - 400 mV.
·The UMG 801 basic device allows mounting of
up to 10 current measuring modules of the type
·For the maximum bus length of the JanBus, see
Sect. “13. Technical data” on p. 47.
·Use end brackets to set up your measurement
device and module series on the DIN rails.