Project Steps
Step 1: Enclosure box planning and construction
Objective: Enclosure box with components installed
A cookie gift box made from cellulose or plastic material is ideal for this project. It should
be about the size of a 12" pizza box. Plan the locations of the LED ring (LED0 –
LED19), SW1, LED20, VR1, power jack and the buzzer. Drill holes and attach
components. The winning location shown on the circuit schematic is LED13 connected
to U6 pin 7. With the LED ring installed, solder the anode (longer leads) of LED0 –
LED9 together forming the first bank to be connected to R6. Do the same for the second
bank LED10 – LED19 to be connected to R7. You might want to spray-paint the box
before installing the components. The circuit board can be screwed into two strips of
soft wood that are glued to the box interior.