User Manual (Ver.1.4) - Main Functions
GOX-5105MC-CXP | GOX-8105MC-CXP | GOX-12405MC-CXP | GOX-16205MC-CXP | GOX-20405MC-CXP | GOX-24505MC-CXP
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Shading Correction
Related Setting Items:
The ShadingCorrection function corrects non-uniformity (i.e., shading) in the amount of light generated
by the lens and lighting equipment. Using this function allows correction even if top, bottom, left, and
right shading is not symmetrical in relation to the center of the screen (H, V).
This function can be used even when the effective image area is limited (an area with both Width and
Height set to more than 512 must be configured) by the
. In such cases, the
correction area is included in the image area configured by the ROI.
Block size is 128 × 128 pixels.
The following shading correction modes are available on the camera.
FlatShading (Monochrome model, Color model)
Correction is performed using the area of the screen with the highest brightness level as the reference,
and adjusting the brightness levels of the other areas to match this level.
ColorShading (Color models only)
R-channel and B-channel properties are adjusted to using the G-channel shading properties as a