User Manual (Ver.1.4) - Main Functions
GOX-5105MC-CXP | GOX-8105MC-CXP | GOX-12405MC-CXP | GOX-16205MC-CXP | GOX-20405MC-CXP | GOX-24505MC-CXP
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After changing various settings, the black level may not be stable for several frames
immediately after AcquisitionStart.
Changing the Frame Rate
When TriggerMode is disabled, you can change the frame rate in AcquisitionFrameRate.
The shortest frame period varies depending on the Width, Height, PixelFormat,
SensorDigitizationBits, Binning (Horizontal/Vertical), FD2x2BinningMode, ImageScalingMode,
Decimation (Horizontal/Vertical), CxpLinkConfiguration(LinkSpeed), StreamPacketSize settings.
The longest frame period is 0.125 Hz (8 sec.).
When TriggerMode[FrameStart] is enabled, the AcquisitionFrameRate setting is disabled.