GO-5000M-USB-UV User Manual (Ver. 1.1)
Main Functions
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Shading Correction
Flat Shading Correction:
The method to compensate the shading is to measure the highest luminance level in the image and
use that data as the reference. Luminance levels of other areas are then adjusted so that the level of
the entire area is equal. The block grid for compensation is 20 (H) x 16(V) and each block contains 128
x 128 pixels. The complementary process is applied to produce the compensation data with less error.
Shading Mode
Shading Mode
Shading correction is OFF.
The correction data in user area 1 is stored or loaded to the camera
The correction data in user area 2 is stored or loaded to the camera
The correction data in user area 3 is stored or loaded to the camera
Perform Shading Calibration
This is a .exe command to execute a shading correction. The correction data after executing the
shading correction is automatically stored in the used user area.