Jabra GN9120 Flex Alcatel With EHS
How to connect my Jabra GN9120 EHS / GN9125 EHS with
Siemens OpenStage 30, 40, 60, 80
9120 EHS + Jabra LINK 14201-10
9125 EHS + Jabra LINK 14201-10
In combination with one of the following phones:
OpenStage 30/ 40 / 60 / 80
Full function from EHS version 1.40 (repeated dial tone signal)
1. Plug the 1-sided end of the DHSG cable marked in blue into the socket
marked with the "headset" symbol on your OpenStage phone.
2. Insert the RJ9 plug into the socket with the "phone" symbol and the
RJ45 plug into the socket marked with "AUX" on the Jabra GN912x
EHS setup:
28/06/2021 15:40
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