3.3 Settings of the network parameters
The settings for IP are made with the network configuration. If the network pa-
rameters should not be changed, you can skip to the next configuration:
Change the network configuration?[N]
The network configuration can be skipped with <ENTER> or 'N'+<ENTER>.
These further network configuration dialogs are branched into by pressing
For the function of the Internet protocol, the device must have the own IP ad-
dress, subnet mask and the address of the gateway. These settings are made with
the following dialogs.
3.3.1 DHCP setting
The DHCP client can be set up on the CAN@net via the DHCP setting. The DHCP
client obtains the IP address automatically via a DHCP server, so that no further
network settings are necessary. The condition for this is that the network in which
the CAN@net is used has a DHCP server service.
Should this device use DHCP to obtain
its IP settings automatically?[N]
By entering Y+<ENTER>, the DHCP-client of the CAN@net is activated and will
obtain the configuration from a DHCP-server after a reset. No further network
configurations are required.
By entering N+<ENTER>, the DHCP-client is deactivated. IP address and subnet
mask must be entered manually.
3.3.2 Configuration of the IP address
The IP address of the CAN@net is configured with the following configuration
IP address[]?
Entry is made in the IP address notation: 4Byte in decimal representation sepa-
rated by dots in each case (see displayed IP-address). Entry must be completed
with <ENTER>. <ENTER> without any further entry accepts the IP address given
in brackets.
Copyright IXXAT Automation GmbH
CAN@net Manual, Version 1.7