iWorX® ALM2
505-013, Effective: November 12, 2010
© 2010 Taco Electronic Solutions, Inc.
Switch Status Alarms
Switch inputs are read and converted to “On” or “Off” readings once every execution cycle. The converted values are
made available as network variable outputs. If the switch reading is “On” then an alarm is generated. The polarity of
each switch is configurable. The default polarity is “Normally Open”, meaning that the switch is “Off” when open, and
“On” when closed. By setting the inverted polarity option, then the switch is read as “On” when its contacts are open,
and “Off” when they are closed.
Alarm Outputs
When any of the temperature or switch alarms are triggered, the corresponding alarm output is enabled. This output
can be used to directly drive a status panel indicator lamp, or to drive a larger load using a pilot relay. Each alarm input
is fixed to drive a specific output. The alarm associated with input 1 drives the first output, the alarm associated with
input 2 drives the second output, and so on.
When an output is enabled, an event message is sent to the Local Control Interface. The name of the input that trig-
gered the alarm can be set so that the error message that is displayed at the LCI describes the error detected (e.g.:
“Freezer #1 Hi Limit” or “Fan #3 Contact Alarm”).
Automatic Configuration
The ALM2 and iWorX® Local Control Interface (LCI) use a self-configuring network management scheme requiring no
external tools, binding, or L
knowledge. The LCI recognizes and configures the ALM2 when the controller’s
service pin is pressed. The controller’s status light flashes green until the controller is configured, and will be solid
green after the controller is configured. Once the service pin has been pressed, no further action is required by the
user; the controller is fully accessible to the LCI. Users may bind to SNVTs on the ALM2 with LNS or other L
tools if they wish.
The LCI also provides network supervision of the ALM2. The LCI periodically sends a "ping" message to the ALM2,
which elicits a response. If the response fails, an alarm is displayed on the LCI. The LCI also uses the "ping" message
to refresh the occupancy mode and other system wide data.
Once the ALM2 is properly installed and recognized by the Local Control Interface (LCI), the LCI can be used to config-
ure the settings of the controller. This section describes the commands available on the LCI for configuration of the
ALM2, and the meanings and default values for controller parameters. For more information on using the LCI, see the
The Inputs screen displays the current values of the ALM2’s inputs. These values cannot be changed. Since the names
and types of all eight inputs are user-configurable, this table only refers to the types of inputs. Refer to “All Settings” on
ured input is
Alarm #
, where # is the reference number that was configured for the given input.
Input Type
-29.9 to 230.0
(-34.4 to 110.0
Measured temperature from the
Off, On
Current state of the digital input.