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29 October, 2019
IVEK Corp. P03R017E Prime Mode
Prime Mode is the most typically used Fluidic Setup Mode and is used to prime the fluidic tubing and components
from the reservoir through to the tip before Production Mode operation. It is also often used in the Reverse Direction
to remove the fluid from the fluidic system after Production Mode operations are completed.
The amount of fluid moved is configured by the Prime Volume parameter. The range of the Prime Volume is from 1 to
60,000 with an increment value of 1. Once initiated, the Prime operation will move the desired amount of fluid through
the system unless stopped early.
It is recommended to perform a "Waste" operation in the desired Production Mode after a Prime operation in
order to properly setup the fluid for repeatable Dispenses. Agitate Mode
Agitate Mode is useful for keeping fluid moving during extended periods of idleness of the fluidic system. Fluids
containing suspended particles may benefit from the constant fluid movement offered by the Agitate Mode.
The Agitate operation consists of three portions: Isolation, Agitating, Return.
Isolation provides the ability to move the fluid away from the discharge tip before Agitating the fluid. The Isolation
Volume has a range of 1 to 60,000 with an increment value of 1.
The Agitation portion consists of four components: Reverse, Dwell, Forward, Dwell. Agitation is a repeating of the
sequence Reverse, Dwell, Forward, Dwell; until stopped. During Reverse, a volume of fluid, as configured by the
Agitation Volume, is moved in the Reverse direction, followed by a dwell (relative to a Forward Dispense/Meter). The
direction changes and the Agitate Volume is moved back in the Forward direction. The sequence of Reverse, Dwell,
Forward, Dwell then repeats until stopped.
Once stopped, the Return portion is automatically initiated. The Return portion simply moves the fluid back to the
starting position.
It is recommended to perform one or more "Waste" operations in the desired Production Mode after an
Agitate operation in order to properly setup the fluid for repeatable Dispenses.
3.4.3 Display
The display provides an operator interface to all operating parameters in the Controller Module. New values can be
entered and current values displayed for all the functions of the system. The current operating mode and system
status are shown on the display. The display contains multiple interface screens each providing information to the
The display shows system status, settings and general information. The display is divided into six fields as shown.
Following is a description of what will be displayed in each field.
References to push-buttons for fields 3 thru 6 refer to the push-button located below a word on the display.
For example, the push-button located under 'REFERENCE' will be called the Reference push-button.