2.3.4 Dip Switch
Touch Screen Calibrate mode: In this mode when you power on the NP-600S,
the screen will display a “+” sign at the center of the screen. Use a stylus or
finger to push the center of the “+” until it moves. The “+” moves to upper-
left, lower-left, lower-right and upper-right corners. When all five “+” are
done the “+” will disappear. The Touch Screen parameter will store at Flash
Boot Loader mode: Load new Windows CE image file.
If the NP-600S already load the CE image with boot loader. Set the DIP SW2
ON then power ON into boot loader mode. Refer the load Win CE image
2.4 CE Requirements
EU directives that apply to the NP-600S Series:
EMC Directive (89/336/EEC, 92/31/EEC, 93/68/EEC) electromagnetic
emissions and immunity
Machinery Directive (89/392/EEC, 91/368/EEC, 93/44/EEC, 93/ 68/EEC)
machine safety
NP-600S products will be CE-marked to indicate compliance with the EMC
The NP-600S Series has been designed to operate satisfactorily in electromagnetic
SW1 SW2 Mode
ON OFF Touch Screen Calibrate mode
OFF ON Boot Loader mode