ItsImagical Conservatory acordeon Manual Download Page 1



Summary of Contents for Conservatory acordeon

Page 1: ...conservatory acorde n...

Page 2: ...p 2 2 a f d B A F D b g e c G E C 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 1...

Page 3: ...p 3 3 TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STAR Twinkle Twinkle Litt le Star How I wonder what you are Up a bove the world so high Like a diamond in the sky Twinkle Twinkle Litt le Star How I wonder what you are...

Page 4: ...YOUR BOAT Row row row your boat Gent ly down the stream Merr il y merr i ly Life is but a dream LONDON BRIDGE Lon don Bridge is fall ing down Fall ing down fall ing down Lon don Bridge is fall ing dow...

Page 5: ...p 5 MARY HAD A LITLLE LAMB Ma ry had a litt le lamb Litt le lamb Litt le lamb Ma ry had a litt le lamb It s fleece was white as snow...

Page 6: ...p 6 OLD MACDONALD Old Mac Don ald had a farm Ee i ee i oh And on that farm he had some chickens Ee i ee i oh With a cluck cluck here and a cluck cluck there Here a cluck there a cluck Ee i ee i oh...

Page 7: ...octava del acorde n tiene un tono m s bajo y est representada por las teclas La segunda octava es m s aguda y est representada por las teclas Ten en cuenta que la nota de la primera octava est separad...

Page 8: ...hat octave Also it is played outwards like note even though they come one after the other The left hand keys are the harmonics the bass and the air valve The harmonics and bass can be played as an acc...

Page 9: rieur signifient qu il faut jouer la touche tout en comprimant l accord on Tu observeras que la note de la premi re octave est s par e des autres notes appartenant la m me octave De plus elle se j...

Page 10: ...s selbst entdecken Beim Spielen siehst du die Symbole von oben wie in der folgenden Tabelle Du siehst hier auch die Entsprechung der Symbole und Noten Die Pfeile nach au en zeigen dass du beim Dr cken...

Page 11: ...MI FA SOL LA SI Movimento Espandere Comprimere Espandere Comprimere Espandere Comprimere Espandere p 11 3 Inizia a suonare le note della prima ottava facendo attenzione ai simboli che indicano espand...

Page 12: cuidado com os s mbolos que expressam expandir ou comprimir Se reparares acabas de tocar uma escala inteira e deves ter notado que as notas seguem um padr o Devido posi o das linguetas no interior...

Page 13: ...a c nta c ntecele pe care i le propunem TR ItsImagical m zik e itimine ba lamay kolayla t rmak amac yla renklerle m zik e itimini esas alan bir y ntem olan Conservatory yi geli tirdi M zik aleti alma...

Page 14: ...dan a a ya semboller g receksiniz Burada sembollerle notalar aras ndaki ili kiyi de g rebilirsiniz U lar d ar ya do ru olan oklar o tu a akordiyon k r n a arken basmak gerekti i anlam na gelir U lar...

Page 15: ...3 RU ItsImagical Conservatory 1829 p 15 1 1 2 7 3 4 5 6 7 2 7 2 14 3...

Page 16: ...p 16 3 CN ItsImagical 1829 1 1 2 7 3 4 5 6 7 2 7 2 14 DO RE MI FA SOL LA SI 3 3 DO RE MI FA SOL LA SI DO RE MI FA SOL LA SI...

Page 17: ...p 17 1829 1 1 1 2 7 3 4 5 bass 6 7 2 2 14 DO RE MI FA SOL LA SI I It ts sI Im ma ag gi ic ca al l AR...

Page 18: ...p 18 3 3 DO RE MI FA SOL LA SI DO RE MI FA SOL LA SI...

Page 19: ...p 19...

Page 20: ...eferencias EN Please retain this information for future reference FR Renseignements conserver DE Hebe alle Informationen f r zuk nftige Kommunikation auf IT Istruzioni da conservare PT Guarde esta inf...

Page 21: ...BG ItsImagical Conservatory 1829 1 1 2 7 3 4 5 6 7 2 7 2 14 3 3...

Page 22: ...Elk van de 7 toetsen van de rechterhand heeft een nummer en produceert 2 verschillende noten een noot bij het trekken en een noot bij het duwen van de accordeon In totaal kunnen dus 14 verschillende...

Page 23: ...daleko jednodu eji 1 sti akordeonu 1 M ch 2 7 kl ves 2 okt vy 3 Dr adlo pro palec 4 Doprovod harmoniky 5 Basov doprovod 6 Vzduchov ventil 7 emen 2 Popis a poloha p i hran Akordeon vyd v p i stla ov n...

Page 24: ...symboly ze shora jak je zobrazeno na n sleduj c tabulce Vid te tak jak barv odpov d kter t n ipky nahoru ukazuj e p i stisknut tla tka mus te akordeon roztahovat ipky dok pak e p i stla en tla tka mu...
