ITech IT8817 User Manual Download Page 1


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r’s M




        © Co


le elect



pyright 20

 Ver1.2 /O







10 All Righ

Oct, 2013/ 

00 User 

User M


ht Reserve






Via Acquanera, 29   

22100  Como

tel.  031.526.566 (r.a.)  fax  031.507.984

[email protected]

Summary of Contents for IT8817

Page 1: ...IT88 Co Man le elect 17B IT88 818B IT8 pyright 20 Ver1 2 O IT880 ual tronic 817C 818C 10 All Righ Oct 2013 00 User User M load ht Reserve IT8800 70 Manual Manual ed 01 Via Acquanera 29 22100 Como tel...



Page 4: ...d paration an only to the ments and c precaution comply wit ates safety sumes no ondition or indoor u ximum rela ations table re range Power ons are tak mbols 4 tion ished spec ainst defec ry IT8800 n...

Page 5: ...made only e connecte er cable rem ve externa UST ALON al service o on is prese ting curren nd termina mpanying d s a hazard rformed or G sign until a hazard erformed or e products fully unders 5 ment...

Page 6: ...ectronic l USB com olutions acc splay solution 0 eed up to ode CV Co king the op unction ion to save re tion nt tripod an elligent fan s alarm sig ry function ltage 0V 0V 0V 0V 0V 0V loads are s mmuni...

Page 7: ...y ories report ionsite de drawing ze of space g Dimen mmW x 263 ng dimens Inspe d the follow h your franc Descriptio you can cho according to including in information test report b rts of units or moi...

Page 8: ...hipped with g figure for United Sta IT E172 E L N ns he IEC 320 h your unit the part n ates Canad 2 N 8 0 connecto contact yo umber and da Euro IT E1 E N Unit r on the re our neares d ordering pe 173...

Page 9: ...Qu t units mee ctly Follow 0 st 00A 00A V V v XX XX XXXXXXX oad is shi for your lo ding type onic load i ropriate re binet grou n t powe lve some p the power y plugged i d also mak hen verify ting ue...

Page 10: ...A 250VAC A 250VAC A 250VAC A 250VAC replace fu screwdriver ear panel o gure shows anel int lace it acco on 110AC C C C C C C use r to open th of the load s the fuse troduct 10 ording to th Fuse spe T...

Page 11: ...igna 232 comm B commun IB commun power sw power inp ns witch de CC CV ons s Composit nel intr ction termin e terminal al control in unication i nication int nication int itching 1 put socket CR CW k t...

Page 12: ...ode remote uire scriptio e key ers that hav c test param pen trigger ters of List d during au current md voltage mo resistance power mod t mode o move upw 12 lamp d Error Trig Sense Prot Rear Auto sh...

Page 13: ...ust the s keys start or Auto te Battery Save th value System Configu Display Key loc LOCAL OCP te Set det OPP te 13 ords in me sor to the ri r to the rig eration co setups by 1 setups by 1 stop short...

Page 14: ...0 Mea 18V mV 0 025 FS 0 36A 1mA 0 05 0 450 100 0 2 0 Pr 4550W A 130V 85 39 6A 0V 4m 300K 14 chnica fication 8817 20V 0 00W 1 5V 3 0 12 10m 0 025 0 0 36 10m 0 05 0 10 7 6bit 0 01 0 00W mW 0 2 FS asurem...

Page 15: ...08S 3 6K 100m 0 2 0 Mea 50V mV 0 025 FS 12A mA 0 05 0 3 6K 100m 0 2 0 Pr 3650W A 530V 85 13 2A 0V 25m 1M 15 17B 00V 0 12 KW 3V 120 0 500 10mV 0 025 0 S 0 12 10mA 0 05 0 0 10 7 5 bit 0 01 0 KW mW 2 FS...

Page 16: ...08S 450 100 0 2 0 Mea 18V 1 mV 0 025 FS 60A mA 0 05 450 100 0 2 0 Pr 4550W 130V 85 66A 0V 3m 300K 16 817C 20V 0 60 00W 1 8V 6 0 12 10m 0 025 0 0 60 10m 0 1 0 10 7 6bit 0 01 0 00W mW 0 2 FS asuremen 0...

Page 17: ...t s Opt 1 220V Opt 2 110V method ntrol tempe ature 35 te Sca ng temper C temperat 0 C y se humid mentary 100 gro ation frequ cale selec V 10 50 V 10 50 erature C 50 ale 1 sca rature ure dity 80 y char...

Page 18: ...ion ion nction ction on ar panel emote o c load provi y Local key eans contro emote ope 232 USB In remote on mod d can be op t mode CC e mode CV nce mode mode CW current lectronic lo e regardles Funct...

Page 19: ...4 1 e mode ic load will mmed valu igure 4 2 C ance mo nic load wa l linearly c igure 4 3 C Load cur CV mo Load inp CC 19 1 CC mode CV l attempt to ue See figu CV mode ode CR as equivale hange the CR m...

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Page 21: Trigger b Trig IMM GPIB BU Trigger b 0 represe group 11 ER D Enable th Disable th N S 4800 8 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200 Address SCPI pro Extended with othe adjust the e latest set will keep t me...

Page 22: AGE1 se int 0 000V est the volt AGE2 se int 120 00 ter functio nt 2 2 16 Imita nable the fu CV t sable this f Rem nable this f sable the f Exten nable exter ontrol funct sale extern ontrol funct IT...

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Page 26: ...t VO n working that mea te when th IVING state as voltag rned on W is turned o ON LATCH s 26 modes Liv ns working e voltage r e load work ge rise and When the p off state load w ving and L g in living...

Page 27: ...7 and is hig he power s d off age has re ue will incr whether th present cu n this range rease with ge too er OCP tes Ru e 1 Re level 0 00 Delay 0 0 nge 0 000 nt 0 000A nt 0 000A 0 00S t 0 000A ge 0 0...

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Page 29: ...ill Protect des both h mum input ware OCP emoved th affect load t load s sof Alimit set en the softw t protection 29 key Voltage V When the off the inpu num set the d setting time st est mode ns funct...

Page 30: ...ature s safe limit nput will au ts in the sta P state ped to the OTection C otection st ge prot ad module reverse co us register RRV th onnector s nal 30 C and PS b in the load e the range panel or se...

Page 31: ...he con o assure te Users could ould set th and SEN nevitable v y allowing t you should 6 into the G press hoose REM choose ON nse er oper el trigger w om the TR nt panel ar panel 31 age state sed if s...

Page 32: ...n nput curre t current s rigger mod ogue Co and current 10V adjust of the elec e Indicat or reverse oring I nal will out nt You can changing 32 e trigger s ontrol t setting of table analo ctronic load...

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Page 34: ...otary ss numeric ess ss erface g power pre ge level pre t of voltage ance CR efer to the ange the re e rotate R e press num e press ss erface g resistance ge level pre f voltage pr operat the load to...

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