i s t s u r f a c e . c o m
AW16000 - Instruction Manual
1.0 — Installation
Prior to installing the DCP100a/200a please review the operating specifications carefully.
Some operating systems, especially in pneumatic conveying applications, may see static pressure or
vacuum conditions that exceed the capability of the DCP100a/200a pressure module. For these
conditions there are a number of alternate Dwyer pressure products that can be used to meet your application
requirements, all of which can be terminated to the Dwyer DCT1000 Dust Collector Timer Controller. For more
information on these and other Dwyer products, please call us at (219) 879-8000, or visit us on the web at www.
dwyer-inst.com or www.dust-controls.com
1.1 — Location
The system should be located in an enclosurehat meets relevant safety standardsand electrical codes. There
are no otherspecial orientation requirements as thepressure module is not orientation sensitive.Care should be
observed when routing theair hoses to ensure that any potential condensationor moisture will not drain into
thesensor. Where heavy condensation is present,a drip loop or an in-line filter should benstalled to ensure long
term operation.
1.2 — Connections
When a pressure module is installed, the 4- 20 ma process signal and the alarm relaycontacts are available. The
circuit may beused with the internal 24-volt power sourceor with an external source. In either case,the 4-20 ma
circuit is isolated from groundand other signals.
The alarm relay contactsare isolated, normally open contacts.Pressure connections may be made to thestepped
hose barbs with either 1/8’’ or3/16’’ I.D. tubing. The following subparagraphsdescribe the external switch
connections.Refer to Figure 1 (above) forswitch connection illustration.
1.3 — Pressure Module Installation
The pressure module is attached to the Master Controller using integral connectors on both units.
The insertion ports for the pressure module are located in the upperleft quadrant of the DCT1000
MasterController. The pressure module can beremoved by compressing the retaining clipson each end of
the module, then gentlypulling the module out of the master controllerboard.When inserting the module,
the followingprocedure should be adhered to insure proper installation:
• Examine the bottom of the pressure module and note the orientation of the connectors.
• Align the module so that these connectors
match the connector receptacles on thecontroller board.
• Orient the module with the four alignmentpins over their respective mounting holes.
• Gently press the module into the connectorsand snap the retaining clips on eithernd of the module into their
• Always install and service this device with the power off and a lockout installed ifrequired. “Hot” plugging the
pressure moduleinto an operating system may damagethe system or cause the calibration parametersto be
Do not force the module into the
connectors. Forcing the insertion may damage the
connectors. Properly aligned, the module should
snap into place.
Specifications – Installation & Operating Instructions
Specifications – Installation & Operating Instructions