i s t s u r f a c e . c o m
AW16000 - Instruction Manual
2.4 • High Limit [Only available when DCP connected]
The High limit Setup, available only with a pressure module installed, sets the pressure at which the cleaning
cycle will begin. This value may be between zero and the pressure module full scale pressure. Normally, the
High limit should be above the low limit. If, however, the High limit pressure is set below the low limit, the
cleaning cycle will begin when the High limit is exceeded and stop when the pressure falls below the High
limit. The low limit in this case will have no effect. Pressing “SElECT” will change the system to the low limit
Setup mode.
2.5 • Low Limit [Only available when DCP installed]
The operation of zxthe low limit, available only with a pressure module installed, is identical to the High limit
except this value sets the pressure where the cleaning cycle will end. The upper settable value is the calibration
pressure of the pressure module and the lower limit is zero. Pressing “SElECT” will change the system to the
High alarm Setup mode.
2.6 • High Alarm [Only available when DCP installed]
The operation of the High alarm Setup is identical to the High and low limit Setup and is only available when
a pressure module is installed. The High alarm default is 0. The upper settable value is the full scale pressure
of the pressure module and the lower limit is zero. Pressing “SElECT” will change the system to the low alarm
Setup mode.
2.7 • Low Alarm [Only available when DCP installed]
The operation of the low alarm Setup is identical to the High and low limit Setup. The low alarm default is 0.
The upper settable value is the full scale pressure of the pressure module and the lower limit is zero. Pressing
“SElECT” will change the system to the Cycle Delay Setup mode.
2.8 • Cycle Delay (min)
The cycle delay inserts a delay time between the end of the last channel and the beginning of the first channel.
This may be set to between zero and 255 minutes. The factory default is zero. Setting the value to zero will
disable the delay. Pressing “SElECT” will change the system to the Down Time Cycles Setup mode
2.9 • Down Time Cycles (min)
The Down Time Cycles setup will select a value between zero and 255 minutes. The factory default is one
minute. Selecting zero will disable the operation. When the down time cycles is activated by shorting the down
time cycles input to the common terminal, (see figure 2) the system will enter a forced cleaning mode for the
programmed duration. NOTE: The cycle delay, if one is programmed, will not be inserted in the timing cycle.
Pressing “SElECT” will change the system to the auto alarm Reset Setup mode, if a pressure module is installed,
or to Process when no pressure module is available.
2.10 • Auto Alarm Reset (sec) [Only available when DCP installed]
The auto alarm Reset Setup, available only when a pressure module is installed, allows the auto alarm reset
time to be selected. This value may be set between zero and 255 seconds. The factory default value is five
seconds. When the auto alarm reset is enabled by shorting the auto alarm reset terminal to a common terminal,
(See Figure 1) the alarm will be reset after the pressure returns to the normal range and the timeout has expired.
Pressing “SElECT” will change the system to Process mode.