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Pegasus R Iss.07 – 08/13
For normal industrial pyrometers a simple bench is quite adequate. My suggestion is a slide piece to enable
pyrometers of varying focal length to be calibrated and a holder for the pyrometer which allows 2 freedom of
movement i.e. height and lateral position.
A Typical Calibration/Evaluation of an Industrial Pyrometer
A typical calibration sequence for a optical pyrometer is given below adapted from our UKAS submission.
A calibrated target is used as the source of information, together with the certificate of calibration - see ref NPL
12317/91/001 dated 15/05/1991.
An optical bench was built (see drawing 19071) which allowed an optical pyrometer to be calibrated.
The optical bench allowed 3 freedom of movements:-
The distance to the optical pyrometer transfer standard from the rear of the Black Body is 750mm. An optical bench
allows the optical pyrometer transfer standard to be moved from 660mm to 1000mm.
The height of the
optical pyrometer can be adjusted by -10, +15mm from the normal position
The optical pyrometer can be moved sideways by -10, +15mm from the normal position.