This information is solely for use of Personnel and Authorized Dealers. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or
distributed in any form without express written permission from.
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Auto Start
Auto Start on or off can be set here. Selecting the Check box will set it in the On position, when a piece
of papers is detected the scanner will automatically feed the paper through making a copy.
Auto Start off
Auto Start on
Automatic Deskew
Turning on Automatic Deskew will allow for up to a 5 degree skew of the file to be automatically
corrected on the final output.
Deskew off
Deskew On
If used the Label feature will allow for the addition of a custom label on the lead edge of
the final output.
Selecting the white box will open the following window
and allow for the entering of the label to be applied.
Margins may be applied to all four sides equally or with
specific sizes.