%SpO2 or oxygen saturation
Pulse rate per minute
Pulse rate intensity graph
Power button
Battery compartment
What’s in the box?
Intended use
Components of the device
How to increase oxygen saturation in a
natural way?
What is oxygen saturation?
How to take a measurement
Please note
• Oximeter iProven OXI-27
• Two AAA-batteries
• Lanyard
• Oximeter case
The iProven Fingertip Pulse Oximeter is a digital monitor that
measures the level of oxygen saturation of haemoglobin in the arterial
blood. The monitor detects signs of low levels of oxygen in the body.
It measures the pulse rate in beats per minute, and also displays a bar
graph that illustrates the strength of the pulse signal.
The OXI-27 is intended for sport and aviation use only. It is intended
for use on children above four years old and adults whose weight is be
between 15kg and 110kg.
The device should be used in the home/domestic setting only, and is
not intended for continuous monitoring.
This device is intended for non-invasive measuring and monitoring of
the oxygen saturation of haemoglobin in arterial blood and the pulse
rate in beats per minute.
• Measurements may be inaccurate in the following situations:
• When you’re moving your fi ngers
• In a very cold environment
• When your fi nger isn’t placed properly into the device (see
• Excessive ambient light, such as a fl uorescent lamp or direct
sunlight, may aff ect the result
• Enamel or acrylic fi ngernail polish or other fi ngernail applications
may give inaccurate readings
Q: How do I clean the device?
A: You can use medical alcohol to disinfect it. Please use a soft cloth to
clean the whole unit. Don’t use any abrasive or volatile cleaners.
Q: How can I replace the batteries?
A: Open the battery cover.
Insert the batteries according to the polarity indications.
Close the battery cover
Q: When do I replace the batteries?
A: - Low battery sign shows on the display.
- The LED display dims.
- When powering on the monitor, the LED display doesn’t light up.
Q: How do I attach the lanyard?
A: Put the thin end of the rope through the hole.
Then put the thick end of the rope through the loop, and pull the end to
secure it.
1. Open the clip and place your fi nger inside the oximeter. Make
sure your nail touches the upper part of the clip, see image
2. Press the button and wait for 10 seconds
3. Read your saturation level and heart rate from the display
1. Try to breathe more slowly and more deeply. In through the nose,
out through the mouth. Guess you heard that before. But being
aware of your respiration can already improve its quality!
2. Add green to your world! Consider buying some (extra) plants. Open
your window more often. Take a walk in the park. Being in the green
can improve your oxygen levels. It will also help you to feel more
relaxed. Which will help you to breathe more deeply, and as said,
that can also improve your oxygen levels!
3. Stay hydrated! The O in H2O stands for the oxygen molecules in
water. So drinking water will help to keep your oxygen levels up.
Hydrating yourself has quite a few extra benefi ts. It can help to fi ght
fatigue. It may keep a headache away. And it can even help you to
lose weight
Oxygen saturation indicates how much oxygen the blood is carrying
as a percentage of the maximum it could carry. Red blood cells
contain iron-containing protein haemoglobin. Haemoglobin (hb)
attaches oxygen to the red blood cell and carries it through the body.
1 haemoglobin molecule can attach up to 4 oxygen molecules. If all
the haemoglobin molecules are carrying 4 oxygen molecules, it is said
that you have a saturation of 100%. A healthy person with healthy
lungs, breathing air at sea level, will have an oxygen saturation of
between 95% and 100%.
iProven OXI-27BL
Manual ver 1.1 US
9450 SW Gemini DR
Beaverton, Or 97008-7105
Call us toll free if you have any questions or concerns. +18557001668
Service Hours: Monday - Friday, 3 PM - 6 PM PST
Professional Care
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