Technical Documentation
ipf electronic GmbH
Lüdenscheid, Germany
10.2.7 Process interface (device dependant)
Here, you will find all parameters which can be used to configure data exchange via the interfaces.
This is where you set the protocol (TCP / UDP / PROFINET / RS485). The selection shown is
dependant on the device.
: Set the port for the device's Ethernet interface here.
End identifier:
Shows which control character is expected or sent at the end of each datagram.
Receipt timeout:
Here, you can set the time after which receipt is stopped.
Connection timeout:
The connection is closed if no contact is received within a given time.
A TCP/IP connection can be monitored, for example for when the PLC cyclically sends
the "GS" command. If the connection is broken, this is shown on the Vision Sensor page
and the connection is reset.