Technical Documentation
ipf electronic GmbH
Lüdenscheid, Germany
14.2.2 Connection to multiple devices
If you have multiple devices in your network, you can display several devices simultaneously in a single
browser window. By default you will see four frames with the available devices and their respective location
in English.
Launch a supported browser and enter the following into the address bar:
The device with the highest level of software will
determine the layout of the viewer.
http://[IP address]/cockpit
Http://[device name].local/cockpit
The level of software of the accessed device will
determine the layout of the viewer.
http://[IP address]/c[column]r[row]
Live=ip:[IP address1]&
c[column]r[row]=ip:[IP address2]&
c[column]r[row]=ip:[IP address3]&
c[column]r[row]=ip:[IP address4]
The level of software of the accessed device will
determine the layout of the viewer and connect
directly to a live view of the device in the selected
rows and columns.
Save the access parameters you created as a
favourite to gain faster access to your devices.
Please input the following to alter the number of frames to be displayed to nine (e.g. 3
windows per column and three per row):
http://[IP address]/cockpit?view=3x3
Other arrangements are possible, with up to four windows in a row and column.