Note: in the event the ip tester does not auto detect the rtsp stream, refer to the specific camera
manufacturer for the specific rtsp stream url. you may find this on line with a search of the
camera model number and the word rtsp.
3.3.20 Hik test tool
Hik test tool app is design for activating and debugging Hikvision camera, can auto-identify
unactivated hikvision camera, also can display image from the Hikvision camera.
Tap icon to enter
Hikvision activation:
When connect the unactivated Hikvison camera to the tester, it will auto
identify and display “Unactivate” at safety mode. Select needed activate the camera, click bottom
right corner button “Enable”, pop-up “the camera is not activate, activate now”?
2.Input password:
Input new password, tap “ok” to activate