Over time, signcutters may require calibration to account for normal wear and
tear. Typically, the accuracy of a cut is within 0.2% overall. By using the cali-
bration feature, the variance can be adjusted to within 0.05%. Note: The Scale
command does not effect the calibration values.
Prepare the signcutter:
1. Open the Ioline Control Center program. Put the signcutter in Start mode
(green LED).
2. Load the signcutter with material that is greater than 22 inches wide (60
cm model) or greater than 30 inches wide (80 cm or larger models) and a
minimum of 48 inches long. Install a blade holder (use vinyl material) or
pen (use paper material) in the carriage. Enable Autoloop or manually
create a service loop of material.
3. Move the carriage and material with the Arrow keys so that the blade or
pen is about one inch from both the right and front edge of the material.
Set an origin. See the Operation chapter for more details on preparing to
Gather the Calibration Data:
1. Select Calibrate, Calibrate Plotter from the Control Center menu bar.
2. Select Calibration Plot to cut the factory stored calibration cut. The
signcutter will plot a large box (see Figure 14).
3. Precisely measure both X-axis and Y-axis lines. Better accuracy in mea-
surement equals better calibration.
4. Measure both sides and the top and bottom of the box.
Figure 13. Cleaning the Drive Shaft.
Replacing the Blade
Note: The blade tip is sharp and fragile, be careful when handling it.
If plot quality suddenly degrades the blade might be dull or broken. The tip of
the blade is very fragile and can chip or break if dropped. It is difficult to see
when the blade is damaged. A magnifying glass can be helpful. To replace the
1. Remove the adjustable blade foot by unscrewing it counterclockwise.
2. Remove the old blade with a pair of needle nose pliers and discard it.
3. Slide the new blade into the blade until it bottoms out. The blade should
spin freely.
4. Screw the foot onto the blade holder (clockwise). Stop just before the
blade tip emerges.
5. Perform test cuts as described in the Cutting a Sign section before con-
tinuing to use the signcutter.
Cleaning the Drive Shaft
Warning: Do not use any cleaning agents (beside alcohol), water or
brushes with metal bristles to clean parts of the plotter. Pay special
attention to keeping the drive shaft bearings free of all liquids
Clean the drive shaft regularly to make sure the cut lines remain accurate. To
clean the drive shaft:
1. Turn off the signcutter and disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove any accumulated dust and residue with a stiff bristle brush.
Figure 12. Replacing the Blade.