Security Target
Version 1.1
Identification and Authentication (FIA_UAU.2/
Authentication is required to perform administrator functions such as configuring the user authentication
device filtering (i.e. CDF) whitelist and blacklist. The authorized administrator is identified and
authenticated through the logon function. The authorized administrator logs on by entering the
Administrator Logon mode as described in the administrator guide and providing a valid password. The
administrator guide states that the administrator must change the password after the first successful
Security Management
The TOE provides management functions to configure the user authentication device/ keyboard/ mouse
filtering (i.e.CDF), to return the device to factory setting, to view audit logs and to change the
administrator password; and restricts access to these management functions to the authorized
Management of Security Functions Behavior
The TOE restricts the management functions such as the ability to modify the HID device filtering blacklist
and user authentication device filtering (i.e. CDF) whitelist and blacklist to the authorized administrator.
The authorized administrator must successfully authenticate by providing a valid password. There is no
login name parameter for the login function. Customers are provided with a default password. The
administrator guide states that the administrator must change the password after the first successful
logon. The password is case sensitive and new passwords must contain at least 1 lower case letter, at least
1 upper case letter, at least 1 numeric character, and at least 1 special character. The supported special
characters are: !"#$%&' ()*+,-./ :;<=>? @ [\]^_ ` {|}~ (including
). Additionally, the password length
must be at least 8 characters but no longer than 22 characters. With three failed attempts to log in, the
administrator logon mode will be terminated and locked for 15 minutes. With nine failed log in attempts,
the Secure KVM Switch will become permanently inoperable. There is no mechanism to restore a
lost/forgotten password.
Specification of Management Functions
The TOE provides security management functions to configure the user authentication device and
keyboard/mouse filtering (i.e. CDF), to return the device to factory setting, to view audit logs and to
change the administrator password.
The TOE provides the authorized administrator with the ability to assign whitelist and blacklist definitions
for the TOE user authentication device qualification function and blacklist definitions for keyboard/ mouse
devices. Once successfully authenticated, the Administrator can choose to add, edit, or remove a device
to the user authentication device whitelist/blacklist or add a device to the keyboard/ mouse devices
If a device is on the whitelist, the TOE considers the device as authorized. Otherwise, if the device is on
the blacklist or is not on any list it is considered unauthorized. If a device has been added to both blacklist
and whitelist, the USB device will be considered a blacklisted device.