Invacare® Solara®3G/Spree 3G Wheelchair
Set up Inspection Checklists
Initial adjustments should be made to suit your personal body structure needs and preference.
Ensure wheelchair rolls straight (no excessive drag or pull to one
Inspect clothing guards for bent or protruding metal.
Ensure that all fasteners on clothing guards are secure.
Ensure arms are secure but easy to release and adjustment levers
engage properly.
Ensure adjustable height arms operate and lock securely.
Ensure armrest upholstery has no rips.
Ensure armrest pad sits flush against arm tube.
Ensure hand grips are not loose.
Ensure seat, back and/or arm upholstery have no rips.
Ensure trigger release lever cables and handles return when
Inspect handrims for signs of rough edges or peeling finish.
Ensure there is no excessive side movement or binding when drive
wheels are lifted and spun.
Ensure sealed bearings and axle nut tension are correct.
Adjust bearing system if wheel wobbles noticeably or binds to a
Ensure wheel/fork assembly has proper tension when caster is
spun. Caster should come to a gradual stop.
Loosen/tighten caster locknut if wheel wobbles noticeably or binds
to a stop.
Ensure all caster/wheel/fork/headtube fasteners are secure.
Ensure that casters are free of debris.
Ensure wheel locks DO NOT interfere with tires when rolling.
Ensure wheel lock pivot points are free of wear and looseness.
Ensure wheel locks are easy to engage.
Inspect tires for flat spots and wear.
Check pneumatic tires for proper inflation.
Check that all labels are present and legible. Replace if necessary.
TOOLS: Performing procedures in this section may require the use of tools including:
Flat blade and philips head screwdrivers, standard and or metric socket set/wrenches, torque wrench, hex (Allen) keys and
side cutters.