Invacare OrbIt Specification Download Page 1

I n va c a r e



O r b I t


w h e e l c h a I r






has revolutionized the world of pediatric tilt-in-space chairs.  Its combination of ingenious 

functionality and practical convenience sets it apart as the chair that will serve as the benchmark for years to come. Its detachable 
seat frame makes the chair easy to transport and allows the caregiver to mix and match seats and bases for results never before 
possible.  A flared front end offers more lateral stability, more space for foot positioning and room to accommodate the optional 
bilateral contracture footrest. Features like the full 55˚ tilt range, adjustable pivot point, telescoping front riggings and brilliantly 
designed axle plate allow the Orbit wheelchair to be tailored to the needs of almost any pediatric tilt user. The search for the 
perfect pediatric tilt-in-space wheelchair ends with the Invacare Orbit wheelchair.  
