Medium Speed CA N - neoVI
Ma in
A pplies to
, neoVI
, and neoVI
T he ne o VI m e dium spe e d C AN cha nne l is a n ISO 11898 Dua l W ire C AN P hysica l La ye r (82C 251) C AN cha nne l. Lik e
a ll C AN C ha nne ls
, this cha nne l ha s pro gra m m a ble
ba ud ra te /bit tim ing
a nd
C AN de vice m o de
. T his cha nne l is
functio na lity e quiva le nt to the high spe e d cha nne l e x ce pt fo r tha t the ne o VI circuits fo r the high spe e d cha nne l a re o ptim ize d.
Acco rding to the ISO 11898 spe cifica tio n, the e nds o f the C AN ne two rk ca bling sho uld be te rm ina te d. T his is de scribe d in a
se pa ra te to pic
neoVI Documentation - (C) Copyright 2000-2019 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc.
La st Upda te :
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Intrepid Hardware Help
Medium Speed CAN
21 / 71
Summary of Contents for neoVI
Page 60: ...Last Update Friday September 13 2013 Intrepid Hardware Help LED Blinking 58 71 ...
Page 63: ...Last Update Tuesday January 08 2013 Intrepid Hardware Help General Purpose IO 61 71 ...
Page 67: ...Intrepid Hardware Help General Purpose IO 65 71 ...