Wireless IR Repeater System User Manual (V4)
Model # INT-3856A-WRLS
Contact us at:
Universalremotes.net or Intesettech.com
(See Note under Troubleshooting about using DirectTV, Dish, Tivo and other SAT boxes)
1. Connect wired devices wirelessly using IR signals.
2. Control most home entertainment devices within hundreds of feet of open space.
IR (20-60kHz):
1. Works great with the
Inteset INT422
remote and most/all Universal full band carrier frequency
infrared (IR) Remotes
2. Better IR Signal sensitivity creates improved signal distance
1. 915MHz RF technology built to ignore current 433MHz RF-interference (Base Units)
2. FSK modulation:
Better signal sensitivity than ASK modulation
Better Anti RF-interference than ASK modulation & Better
noise suppression
3. Digital technology with frequency hopping to minimize RF-interference
4. Digital encrypted function to ensure privacy, safety and reliability
5. Power
5VDC/500mA -You can use the adapter included or you can use a USB cable which
is available on Amazon-Contact us if you have any questions or cannot find the listing.
Kit Includes:
power supply
Dual IR Emitter cable
w/extra adhesive pads
IR Receiver cable
IR Receiver Unit
Yellow Logo-Top
IR Emitter Unit
White Logo-Top
User Manual
Yellow Print
White Print