Operating Instructions SL BLOCKTHERM DB.A
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INTERTEC-Hess GmbH · Raffineriestr. 8 · 93333 Neustadt/Donau · Germany ·
+49 9445 9532-0 · [email protected]
These operating instructions describe the safe and
proper way to work with the device. The safety informa-
tion and instructions given as well as the local accident
prevention regulations and general safety regulations
valid in the area of application must be complied with.
These instructions are a constituent part of the instru-
ment and need to be kept in the immediate vicinity of the
device accessible to personnel at all times.
Before starting any work, the operating instructions
should be read in full.
The SL..THERM heaters are manufactured according to
Directive INMETRO No. 179, of May 18
, 2010 and are
licensed for direct heating through flange-mounting (con-
duction) or for room heating (convection) in Ex-zone 1
and Zone 2 for instrument categories G/ D in temperat-
ure classes T3 to T6. You will find the temperature class
for your device on the label. See
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The areas of application are:
• Frost protection
• Condensation protection
• Maintaining temperature
As an option, thermostats can be integrated in the con-
necting cable. If a TAE is used, the respective operating
instructions must be complied with.
Product approval NCC 17.0104 X with appendices and
supplements, as well as IEC Scheme Certificate IECEX
PTB 07.0055X.
See http://www.intertec.info
Special conditions for safe use
1. The heater may only be installed and operated in en-
closures whose absolute heat transfer coefficient is
not less (not better) than 0,5 W/K.
2. The connecting cable must have a fixed installation
and must be protected mechanically.
3. If connection is made in the potentially explosive
area, the connecting lead shall be connected by
means of an enclosure that meets the requirements
of a type of protection specified in ABNT NBR IEC
4. Installation shall be made with due regard to the
maximum permissible temperatures of neighbouring
components, the minimum clearances and, where
required, the mounting position.
5. Additional conditions for alternate use of thermostats
see concerning test certificate. They have to be sep-
arately certified to the same standards.
6. Special conditions for some connecting cables have
to be included in the operating manual and have to
be noticed by the installer.
7. lf used in dust-ex-areas the concerning requirements
of ABNT NBR IEC 60079-14, of ABNT NBR IEC
60079-17 and ABNT NBR IEC 60079-19 have to be
Explanation of symbols for warnings
and signal words
The safety information warns the user about risks and
provide information on how risks can be avoided.
Safety information can be found at the start of the
chapter before the instructions which may lead to a haz-
ardous situation. Additional safety information can be
found at the beginning of this manual.
Safety instructions which must be adhered to are high-
lighted as follows:
This sign is warning about an extremely hazardous situ-
ation which, if not heeded, will lead to death or serious ir-
reversible injury.
This sign is warning about a hazardous situation which,
if not heeded, may lead to death or serious irreversible
This sign is warning about a hazardous situation which,
if not heeded, may lead to slight, reversible injury.