ISL54200EVAL1Z Evaluation Board
User’s Manual
The ISL54200EVAL1Z evaluation board is designed to
provide a quick and easy method for evaluating the
ISL54200 USB Switch IC.
The ISL54200 device is a unique IC. To use this evaluation
board properly requires a thorough knowledge of the
operation of the IC. Refer to the data sheet for an
understanding of the functions and features of the device.
Studying the device’s truth-table along with its pin-out
diagram on page 2 of the data sheet is the best way to get a
quick understanding of how the part works.
A picture of the main evaluation board is shown in Figure 1.
The ISL54200
TQFN IC is soldered onto the evaluation
board. It is located in the center of the board and is
designated as U1.
The evaluation board contains USB connectors to allow the
user to easily interface with the IC to evaluate its functions,
features, and performance. For example, with the board
properly powered and configured as shown in Figure 2 you
can control the logic pins, IN and EN, to switch between a
high-speed device and a full-speed device while connected
to a single USB host (computer).
In a typical application, the ISL54200 dual SPDT device is
used to select between two different USB transceiver
sections of a media player. Logic control from a
determines which section to connect to the computer. To
change channels, the following sequence would possibly be
1. A signal would be sent to take the EN pin Low, to open all
switches. The off-isolation of the ISL54200 device would
allow the present active channel to properly disconnect
from the computer.
2. The IN pin would be set to select the other USB channel.
3. The EN pin would then be taken High to close the
switches to make the connection between the computer
and the other USB section of the player.
This application note will guide the user through the process
of configuring and using the evaluation board to evaluate the
ISL54200 device.
• Standard USB Connectors
• Standard Banana Jacks for Power, Ground, V
Logic Connections
• Jumpers to allow a device to be powered through the Host
• Convenient Test Points and Connections for Test
Picture of Evaluation Board (Top View)
Application Note
June 13, 2007
CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge; follow proper IC Handling Procedures.
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