Interphase Star Pilot GPS Operation Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for Star Pilot GPS

Page 1: ...4 n E ffi t OperationMM...

Page 2: ...Pilot On The MenuScreen WhatIs A Waypoint l Enterin e Waypoints 1 PositionMode Saving Present Position in a Waypoint 2 Plot Mode Features of TrackPlot 3 NavigateMode 4 WaypointMode Creating Routes 5...

Page 3: ...ow voltagemaycause a dim clisplay reduced signal weakbeeper anda slowturnon High voltagemaycventually result in lailureof someinternal part Thenominalvoltagclbundon most properlyoperating marinepow er...

Page 4: ...gitude position You canselect manyof theStar Pilot s features with theSet Updisplay You canactivate anAnchor Alarm WaypointArrival Alarm setuniversal or localtime The Star Pilot sgraphicnavigation mod...

Page 5: l0 to I6 VDC Low voltage may cause a dim display reduccd signal weakbccperanda slowtum on High voltage mayeventually result in failureof someinternal part Thenominalvolta ec foundon most properlyop...

Page 6: ...s transmitter beamsWILL NOT be directedtowardstheGPSantenna Mount theantenna on a levelsurface suchasa cabintop or on a standard marineantenna extension pole Useof a standard marine antenna mountwith...

Page 7: ...rickeypadconsists of 12pushbuttons Eachbuttonis labeled with a number letters or symbol All alphabet andnumberentries are madeusingtheAlpha Numeric Keypadasshownbelow Thedisplay screenshowsyou whereth...

Page 8: ...not to uscthat waypoint UsingtheESCsofikey theStar Pilot will retrunto the previousscreen anddisregard theinformationyou hadstarted to enter lbr theselected waypoint Power BacklightControl The PowerO...

Page 9: ...aypointModemanages theWaypointandRoutelibraries The Status Modegivesyou infbrmation on theconditions of the Star Pilot itself aswell astheGPSsatellites andsystem TheSetUp Modecanbe usedto setlocaltime...

Page 10: ...soris located at thepositionin the WaypointLog thatyou wishto use Thenpressthesofikeyunder ENTR for ENTER Afier pressing theENTR or ENTER sofikey a Window will openon therightsideof thedisplaypromptin...

Page 11: ...0 metcrs whichis thenormaltolerance fbr GPSaltitudespecifications SavingPresentPositionIn A Waypoint If you wishto savethecunentpositionviewedon thePosition Screen in a waypoint pressthesofikeyunderth...

Page 12: ...p setto theselected scale To ResettheStar Pilot TrackPlot thatis to erase all plottracksand starta new trackplotting movethecursorto CLEAR ALL at thc top of themilesscales andpresstheENTR softkey To s...

Page 13: ...Navigation Screen will beginprovidingdatato the lastDestination Waypointused To startnavigating to a newdestina tion pressthesoftkeyunderWPT TheChoose WPT Windowwill opento revealyourWaypointLog Usin...

Page 14: ...lot shouldmomentarilylosecontactwith the satellites or if you choosetheNavigateMode beforetheunit haslocatedthe minimal numberof threesatellites needed navigationdatawill be blanksandat thebottomof th...

Page 15: ...a new Windowwill openon therightof thedisplay You mayenteror editthelatitude andlongitude coordinates tor theWaypointby usingtheAlpha NumericKeypadto movethecursorto thedesired digit space NOTE Remem...

Page 16: ...ted will beremoved from theRoute TheStar Pilot will nextdisplaytheROUTE anditsWaypoints on theleft sideof thedisplay The rightsideof thedisplaywill askif you arefinishededitingtheRoutedetails If you p...

Page 17: ...tof thedisplayprovidesthetime of the rastposition fix Next arethevaluesfor PDOP HDOP andVDOp Theseare mathematical valuesfrom computing thegeometry of thesatellites beingusedto calculate yourcurrentpo...

Page 18: ...ovide audioor visualnoticeof arrivalat a navigational destination To set theArrival Alarm on or off usethe Up or Down Arrow softkeysto positionthedisplaycursoron ARRIVAL ALARM Press theENTR sofikey Us...

Page 19: Pilot mustbepreciselytirnedto generate theexactsameradiosignalat theexactsametime in orderto measure thetime anddistance calculations with a high degreeof accuracy This is accomplished by theuseof...

Page 20: ...SOG Thisis thetruespeed calculated from thetimeanddistance overthegroundyou havetravelled SOG doesnotconsider waterspeed or destination fbr itscalculations COURSE OVER GROUND COG This is thetruecours...

Page 21: ...I SAT TheStar Pilot haslocated onesatellite 2 SAT TheStar Pilot haslocated two satellites GOOD The Star Pilot hasfounda third satelliteandcannow calculate a currentLatll onposition If theStar Pilot lo...

Page 22: recciver size 6 diameter 5 25 high 30 cable Antenna receiver weight l l lbs Displayunitweight 2 25lbs LCD display climcnsiorrs 3 2 5 x 1 25 LCD display rcsolution ll8 r 160pixels 20 4tt0 pixelstota...

Page 23: ...terphaseperiodicallyupdates softwarein navi rational instruments andofferstheseupdates to its customers For moreinformationon Interphasesoftwareupdate programscall theInterphaseTechnicalService iroup...

Page 24: ...o include bothyour displayunit andantenna receiver It is bestto shipit in the originalproductbox to thefollowing address ServiceDepartment InterphaseTechnologies Inc 1201Shaffer Road SantaCruz CA 9506...
