Intermec EasyCoder 501 XP & 601 XP – Service Manual
Chapter 16 Interfaces
16.3 Parallel
Communication Port
The EasyCoder 501 XP/601 XP are, as standard, fi tted with a sep-
arate Centronics communication board with a one-way parallel
port. In Intermec Fingerprint, this port is designated "centronics:".
The Centronics pcb only supports the compatible mode, that is
one-way communication only.
Three different types of Centronics communication can be selected
by means of the Intermec Fingerprint instruction SYSVAR(25), see
Intermec Fingerprint v7.61, Programmer’s Reference Manual.
Standard type Centronics (default)
Predefi ned timing for the ACK and BUSY signals when respond-
ing to host data is:
500 ns ACK, BUSY inactivated after ACK fi nishes.
IBM/Epson type Centronics
Predefi ned timing for the ACK and BUSY signals when respond-
ing to host data is:
2500 ns ACK, BUSY inactivated as soon as ACK pulse starts.
Classic type Centronics
Predefi ned timing for the ACK and BUSY signals when respond-
ing to host data is:
BUSY deactivated, wait 2500 ns, then give 2500 ns pulse on ACK.
The Centronics connector (36-pin female IEEE 1284 B) protrudes
through a slot in the printer’s rear plate:
Pin Signal
1 DStrobe
2–9 Data 0–7
10 Ack
11 Busy
12 PE
13 Select
14 AF
16-17 GND
19–30 GND
31 Init
32 Error
33–35 GND
36 Selectin
Centronics Port
/. See “Modifi cation” notice on the schematics page that follows.