Turn off power to the electric service or panel and to equipment to be protected
before installing any Surge Protection Device. All wiring should be done by a qualified
electrician and comply with the National Electric Code and local electric codes.
Test and verify system voltage to assure proper model selection of Surge Protection Device (SPD).
Refer to the wiring configurations and voltages on page 2 and 3 for additional information.
Turn Power OFF.
Remove the knockout from the power bus, load center or equipment panel that will position the SPD
for the shortest wire lead distance. Note that the shorter the lead length between the SPD and the
connection point, the better the protection.
Open the hinged cover on the PanelGuard unit by unscrewing the locking bolts in the cover.
Select and remove the appropriate knockout on the PanelGuard cabinet.
Connect the mounting plates to the back of the PanelGuard cabinet using the connectors provided.
Mount the PanelGuard cabinet to a rigid surface. If the mounting position prevents direct connection
to the load center or equipment panel, conduit must be used to comply with the national Electric
Twist or ty-wrap all lead wires to eliminate space or gaps between them. Route the wire leads from
the PanelGuard cabinet to the power panel.
Cut each wire lead to the proper length. DO NOT coil extra wire length.
Connect the GREEN wire lead to the system ground.
Connect the WHITE wire lead (when included) to the system neutral bus. When installing at a main
panel, the neutral bus may be the same as the ground bus.
Connect each phase wire, BLACK or RED, to the power bus. All models have internal line fusing.
Select a method of connection that complies with local electric code and the National Electric Code.
Make sure that the phase wires have the correct voltage level between them. Note that for the 240
volt High Leg Delta, the wire lead for the High Leg is colored RED, and must be connected to the
phase that measures approximately 208 volts to neutral and to ground. Failure to comply with this
instruction will result in failure of the SPD and void the warranty.
If remote monitoring is used, remove the ½” knockout and connect wire leads to the terminal strip
located in the monitoring section of the PanelGuard cabinet. Be sure to comply with local and
national wiring codes for the voltage of the monitoring circuit. Refer to the wiring diagram on page 3.
Check all connections for proper tightness or torque. Observe the suggested torque values published
by the manufacturer when circuit breakers or separate disconnect devices are used.
Close and secure the hinged cover using the locking bolts provided with the cover.
Turn Power on.
Make sure that each Protection Status indicator on the PanelGuard is ON. If not, turn power off and
recheck each installation step listed above.
Make sure that the Alarm Warning indicator on the PanelGuard is OFF. If not, turn power off and
recheck each installation step listed above.
For troubleshooting assistance, call Intermatic at 800-391-4555.