D-0134090-A – 2022/11
VisualEyes™ - Instructions for Use - EN
2.6.3 Foot switch and RF remote control
VisualEyes™ 505/515/525, Orion Comprehensive Basic, and Orion Auto-Traverse Basic are all delivered
with either a foot switch or a remote control. These can be used to start/stop the tests away from the
computer. The RF remote can also be used to restart, turn the fixation light on/off, or to center the camera
image (if used with the top mount goggle):
1. Top button:
Centers eyes (top mount goggle)
Centers traces (side mount goggle)
2. Right button:
Typically, this can perform any selected command in VisualEyes™ (indicated by white background).
Please find the below example for better explanation:
Before calibration, you can select the ‘Calibration’ option which is
shown with a white background.
After calibration, you can select the ‘START’ option which is shown
with a white background.
This way, the operator can perform the below actions:
Go forward in the software
Launch calibration
Following calibration, button will start the test
If the test is running, it stops the test
If in playback mode, the button will advance to the next test in the list
3. Left button:
Aborts the test
4. Bottom button:
Turns the fixation light on/off during a test
The right and left buttons are not active during rotary chair tests for safety reasons.
Figure 2.6-12: Foot switch (left), and RF remote control (right)
Hardware setup:
1. Connect the USB cable/dongle to a USB port on the computer or on the USB hub.