Cedar 880AG Enterprise Dual-Radio AP/Bridge
3 Initial Configuration
This chapter contains the following information:
Discover AP’s IP address using Scan Tool
Cedar’s default settings
Web Management Interface
Command Line Interface
3.1 Scan
Cedar 880AG by default acquires its IP address and subnet mask from the DHCP server.
The administrator can use the Scan Tool to find out the AP’s IP address.
Scan Tool is a utility that is included in the AP CD-ROM. It scans the network and
displays all the available Cedar Access Points. Scan Tool provides the following
Discover Cedar AP’s IP address, MAC address and firmware version.
Change AP’s IP address.
Upgrade AP’s firmware
Switch on/off AP’s telnet, SNMP and web interface.
Please follow the steps described below to use the Scan Tool:
Insert the installation CD into your CD-ROM drive to install the Scan Tool software.
Follow the on-screen instructions to install Scan Tool on your computer.
Scan Tool requires Java 1.4 or newer version installed on your computer. You can
choose to install Scan Tool along or with the Java software.
Double click the Scan Tool icon on the desktop to launch the Scan Tool software.
Scan Tool scans the local area network and displays all the Cedar Access Points that
it discovers (Figure 3.1).