7. Test
Once installed and energized, walk in the area to be protected simulating a possible intrusion. Observe if the sensor is
able to detect your movements during the journey, by lighting the lens. Adjust its sensitivity if necessary or reposition the
sensor installation.
If the alarm control panel used is Intelbras, put it in test mode, this way it will not be necessary to observe the LED, as the
control panel will indicate the sensor’s operation through siren beeps.
8. Configuring the IVP 4101 PET smart sensor (for board ver-
sion 4410350/4 and firmware 2.2.1 o earlier)
8.1. Sensitivity adjustment of the smart IVP 4101 PET sensor
The SENS jumper (JP1) is used to control the detection sensitivity. With jumper JP1 open the sensor provides maximum
sensitivity. With jumper JP1 closed the sensor provides minimum sensitivity. Factory default: closed.
8.2. Setting the operating mode of the smart IVP 4101 PET sensor
Via the ECO/CONT jumper (JP2), select between intelligent continuous mode and economy mode. Factory default economy
With jumper JP2 closed, the sensor will operate in economy mode, working as follows: After power supply, the sensor
will work continuously for 30 minutes so that the installer can make all the adjustments to the sensor. After this time the
sensor enters economy mode.
Eco-mode operation
The sensor will detect and transmit 1 (once) to the control panel, after this trigger, the sensor enters economic mode (low
consumption mode without detection). In this mode, the sensor will again detect and transmit to the alarm center only
after 2 (two) minutes of no movement in the environment. After 2 (two) minutes, the sensor will be able to detect and
transmit the event to the central alarm. For a better understanding of Economy mode, see the timeline below.