Intel Server Board SE7501BR2 Installation and Integration Guide
Document Overview
This guide outlines the procedures for integrating the
SE7501BR2 Server Platform using the Intel
SE7501BR2 Server Board and Intel Xeon
This guide consists of the most essential information
first-time server builders need to successfully
assemble an Intel server solution. Your particular
operating system’s installation guide will cover the
installation of the server’s operating system.
Target Audience
Intel channel program members who are expanding their expertise to include server
platforms and current channel program members looking for a refresher on servers
System integrators deploying servers based on boxed Intel SE7501BR2 Server Boards
Our intent is to better enable system integrators, particularly first time server builders, to
meet the competitive challenges they face in the server market and to keep program
members up-to-date on emerging server technologies. By following the steps outlined in
this document, you will be able to integrate an Intel SE7501BR2 Server Board with an Intel
SC5200 Server Chassis in a timely and effective manner.
The Intel SC5200 Server Chassis is used as an example and is recommended for ease of
integration and compatibility; other reference chassis may be different. Expanded
installation instructions and complete product information are available in the
Board SE7501BR2 Product Guide
on the Resource CD.
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Thank you for buying Intel Server Products.