Intel® Server Board S2600WF Product Family Technical Product Specification
DIMM Populations Rules and BIOS Setup for Memory RAS
Memory sparing and memory mirroring options are enabled in BIOS setup.
Memory sparing and memory mirroring options are mutually exclusive. Only one operating mode
may be selected in BIOS setup.
If a RAS mode has been enabled, and the memory configuration is not able to support it during boot,
the system will fall back to independent channel mode and log and display errors.
Rank sparing mode is only possible when all channels that are populated with memory that meet the
reaquirement of having at least two single-rank or double-rank DIMMs installed, or at least one quad-
rank DIMM installed, on each populated channel.
Memory mirroring mode requires that for any channel pair that is populated with memory, the
memory population on both channels of the pair must be identically sized.