accidentally include the partition in the command, you will receive an error
ERROR: Device mode should be set to -d option.
e.g.: /dev/sdb
Warning: The following command will overwrite all contents on your USB flash
drive. The USB flash drive must have a capacity of at least 4 GB.
2. In the
directory, type the following command to format the
USB flash drive with two partitions and deploy the
file to the USB flash drive.
This command also changes the media name on the USB flash drive. Choose the
appropriate command for your circumstances, replacing the ? in sd? with the
information you wrote down in the previous step:
sudo ./ \
-u -f export/intel-quark-glibc-idp-standard-dist-srm.tar.bz2 \
-d /dev/sd? -y -b cross-hill
3. Type your password at the prompt:
[sudo] password for <username>
You may see an error screen stating it is not possible to open the folder
wr_usb_boot, as shown below. This is not a concern. If you receive this message,
click OK.
Figure 23.
Folder Error for wr_usb_boot
Put Intelligent Device Platform XT Runtime Image onto USB Flash Drive—Intel IoT Gateway
Development Kit DK100 Series
IoT Gateway Development Kit DK100 Series
April 2015
Getting Started Guide
Order No.: 330307-007