InstroTek SMART-MC Installation & Quick Start Manual Download Page 1



Installation &  Quick Start



Raleigh, North Carolina


The following functions are available under the MENU key. Press 

the  Number  Key  which  corresponds  to  the  Menu  Option  you 

wish to access.

1- Stat Test

 – Tests the electronic stability of the gauge.

2- Drift Test

 – Tests for electronic drift.

3- Recall

 – Allows the user to retrieve the most recent gauge test results.

4- Auto-Depth

  – Enable/Disable the Auto-Depth feature. Calibrate the 

Auto-Depth feature.

5- Offset

 – This mode provides three different offset functions, Moisture, 

Density and Trench correction. Use this function to offset factory calibration 
readings or correct for trench wall influence in the field. Use the DOWN for (-), 
UP for (+).

6- Diagnostic Tests

– Measure battery voltage, measure high voltage, measure 

temperature, reset memory, clears all data from the gauge. This function is for 
Advanced Technicians Only.

7- Review Standard Counts

– View the last 30 STD Counts and date collected. 

8- Language - 

Select English or Spanish.  

9- Standard Mode

  – Select Average Standard Mode or Decay Mode.

10- Auto Scroll

 – Helps users during recording of data in the field.  The test 

screens automatically scroll every 5 seconds.

11- Set Units

 – Allows the user to change units between lb/ft3, kg/m3, and 


12- LCD light

 – Allows easy viewing of data and keypad during night work.

13- Serial Number

 – Allows entry of the gauge serial number.

14- Date/Time

 – Set the current date and time.

15- Buzzer / Alarm

 – Enable or disable the Buzzer alarm feature.

16- Special Calibration

 – Allows adjustment of calibration constants for local 

or special materials. 

17- Thinlayer Mode

 – Allows the gauge to be used on thin layer asphalt over 

soil or aggregate bases. Use BS or AC depths for asphalt on asphalt overlays.  

18- Calibration Constants

 – Allows entry and storage of calibration constants 

used for determination of material density and moisture.  This function is for 
Authorized Users Only. 

Note: When entering the MC1DRP moisture constants into 

the SMART-MC, change the sign on moisture B value from negative to positive.
