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CZ - Vibrační stroj inSPORTline Sunflower 

  IN 2142 






Dodavatel CZ 

SEVEN sport s. r. o. 

Dělnická 957, Vítkov 749 01,


[email protected]



All manuals and user guides at

Summary of Contents for PV-AC2610

Page 1: ...a n stroj inSPORTline Sunflower IN 2142 PV AC2610 U IVATELSK MANU L Dodavatel CZ SEVEN sport s r o D lnick 957 V tkov 749 01 www insportline cz Info insportline cz All manuals and user guides at all g...

Page 2: ...3 Nevkl dejte dn p edm ty do dn ch otvor 4 Toto za zeni m nosnost 150 kg 5 Toto za zen by m la v jedn chv li pou vat pouze jedna osoba 6 V dy pou vejte toto za zen na ist m a rovn m povrchu Nepou vej...

Page 3: ...3 VZHLED Ovl dac panel Sloupek P sy id tka Podklad Deska Ovl dac panel All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 4: ...4 SEZNAM ST PRO SESTAVEN SOU STKY Pozn mka Specifikace podl haj zm n m bez p edchoz ho upozorn n All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 5: ...taven KROK 1 Namontujte sloupek na z kladnu A Spojte elektrick dr ty uvnit z kladny a sloupku a vla te je dovnit sloupku Pot namontujte sloupek na z kladnu podle postupu All manuals and user guides at...

Page 6: ...evn te sloupek k z kladn za pou it ty 10 podlo ek a ty pojistn ch matek Bezpe n je dot hn te pomoc kl e Sloupek M10 Pojistn matka 10 Podlo ka Z kladna 10 Washer 4 All manuals and user guides at all gu...

Page 7: ...7 C P ipojte pod sloupek kryc desku pomoc plastov ho roubu All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 8: ...8 KROK 2 Dosa te id tka na sloupek Namontujte id tka na sloupek pomoc ty M8X25 roub id tka M8X25 roub All manuals and user guides at all guides com...


Page 10: te tla tko PROG a m ete si vybrat p ednastaven program P1 P4 Upozorn n a p em s ov n stroje Kdy stoj te na vibra n sti stroje mus te m t v dy rovnov hu Nikdy se nepou t jte id tek nebo netla te id...

Page 11: ...s ov n stroje 1 Toto je spr vn zp sob p em s ov n 2 N sleduj c zp soby p em s ov n jsou zak z ny proto e mohou jednodu e zni it sloupek Pozice 1 Pozice 2 Pozice 3 All manuals and user guides at all gu...

Page 12: ...postoji St jte na desce s nohami rozkro en mi ze iroka a pi kami vyto en mi ven Dr te kolena rovn nad chodidly ve 100 stup ov m hlu zlehka pokr te nohy M li byste c tit nap t v z dech h d ch ty hlav m...

Page 13: ...ahoru k bo n m stran m va eho t la Tla te hrudn k ven a lopatky k sob T hn te va e pa e dozadu jemn m pohybem a m li byste c tit nap t v horn sti zad a v oblasti ramen A 09 P edn zved n St jte p ed de...

Page 14: ...a oto te se bokem Dr te va i hlavu trup a nohy rovn tla te va e ramena dol a sou asn stahujte trup Tento cvik ovliv uje bo n b i n svaly Pro zm nu zkuste ve stejn m ase tla it va e boky nahoru A 14 K...

Page 15: ...rn st t la a z da rovn propn te b icho Kdy budete tla it p nev dop edu prot hnete ty hlav sval Pro obm nu tohoto cviku m ete t hnout va i zadn nohu dop edu B 03 Prota en l tka Postavte se na desku bok...

Page 16: ...te tak zlehka t hnout emeny na jednu stranu C Mas C 01 Mas l tek Lehn te si p ed stroj a ob l tka polo te na desku prsty na nohou sm uj ke stropu Zbytek je jednoduch proste relaxujte a u ijte si povzb...

Page 17: ...od stroje s rozta en mi nohami Um st te podlo ku mezi va e t lo a stroj a dr te okraje kv li podpo e Relaxujte b hem vibrac se zam en m hlavn na spodn st zad Pro jinou mo nost tohoto cviku se chy te...

Page 18: ...18 SCH MATICK KRESBA All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 19: ...o ka 4 8 P nov rukojeti 1 41 10 pru n podlo ka 4 9 44mm podlo ka na zem 2 42 ST3 8X12 samo ezn roub 2 10 124mm podlo ka na zem 4 43 M5X15 roub 4 11 emen 2 44 5 podlo ka 4 12 Krytka id tek 2 45 5 pru n...

Page 20: ...l dac panel 1 56 5 podlo ka 2 24 Motor 1 57 M5X8 roub 2 25 P evodn k 1 58 Fixa n desti ka dr tu 1 26 Filtr 1 59 Podlo ka id tek 2 27 Silnoproud sp na 1 60 PS kryt z kladny 1 28 Pojistka 1 61 PS p edn...

Page 21: ...zorn n filter toroids t or oi ds toroids column toroids transducer out wire big console small console middle control wire m ot or transducer power connection wire power switch fuse bracket power cord...

Page 22: ...m ry Upozorn n Cvi en doprov zen zvukov mi efekty a ob asn m vrz n m nen z vada br n c dn mu u v n stroje a tud nem e b t p edm tem reklamace Tento jev lze odstranit b nou dr bou Upozorn n u z kladn c...

Page 23: ...23 SK Vibra n stroj inSPORTline Sunflower IN 2142 PV AC2610 Dod vate SK inSPORTline s r o Bratislavsk 36 Tren n obchod insportline sk www insportline sk All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 24: ...e so svojim lek rom pred al m pokra ovan m 2 Ak n jdete na zariaden niektor as po koden pros m presta te s cvi en m a kontaktujte V ho predajcu 3 Nevkladajte do otvorov iadne predmety 4 Osoby s v hou...

Page 25: ...erstv ch ran ch po oper cii alebo chirurgickom z sahu Bedrov ch a kolenn ch prot zach Ak tnom pruhu vysko en ch platni k ch ochoreniach chrbtice Cukrovke Epilepsii a kej migr ne M te kardiostimul tor...

Page 26: ...26 Vzh ad Konzola St p P sce Rukov Tlmi e Podstavec Konzola All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 27: ...27 Zoznam mont nych dielcov Ru n n radie Pozn mka pecifik cie m u podlieha zmen m bez upozornenia All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 28: ...KROK 1 In tal cia st pu do podstavca A Spojte elektrick k ble vo vn tri podstavca a st pu a vlo te ich do st pu Potom nain talujte st p do podstavca pod a doleuveden ch krokov All manuals and user gu...

Page 29: ...jte st p k podstavcu pou it m tyroch 10 podlo iek a tyroch M10 mat c Bezpe ne a dostato ne ich utiahnite pomocou k a St p M10 Matica 10 Podlo ka Z kladn r m 10 Washer 4 All manuals and user guides at...

Page 30: ...30 C Primontujte plastikov kryt pod st p pou it m plastikov ch skrutiek All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 31: ...31 KROK 2 Mont rukov te k st pu Namontujte rukov k st pu pou it m skrutiek M8X25 Rukov M8X25 skrutka All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 32: ...nzoly Konzola TIME as 30S 90S 180S FREQUENCY r chlos 35Hz 40Hz 45Hz 50Hz COUNT DOWN odpo tavenia 180S 0S H FREQ L FREQ SET L H PRESET PROGRAM prednastaven program P1 P4 All manuals and user guides at...

Page 33: ...a stroj sa zastav PROGRAM Stla te tla tko PROG ktor m si m ete vybra prednastaven program P1 P4 V strahy a pres vanie stroja 7 1 V strahy Zaka d m ke stoj te na vibra nom podstavci je nutn aby ste dr...

Page 34: ...anie stroja 1 Toto je spr vne pres vanie stroja 2 Nasledovn sp soby pres vania s zak zan nako ko by sa nimi po kodil ve mi r chlo st p Poz cia 1 Poz cia 2 Poz cia 3 All manuals and user guides at all...

Page 35: ...dlo ku nohy na iroko od seba palce smeruj c na vonkaj iu stranu Kolen udr ujte v rovnomernej polohe s nohami v uhle 100 stup ov jemne pokr te nohy Mali by ste poci ova jemn tlak na chrbtovej a zadnej...

Page 36: ...ra n podlo ku Podvihnite p sy smerom nahor popri Va ich bokoch Vypnite hru a tla te lopatky k sebe ahajte ramen dozadu jemn m pohybom Mali by ste poci ova tlak vo vrchnej asti chrbta a v oblasti ramie...

Page 37: ...emn tlak na va ich bru n ch svaloch Pre zmenu cvi enia opakujte toto v pok aku A12 Bru n svaly v stoji Postavte sa do stredu podlo ky nohy a ramen na iroko od seba prid ajte sa rukov te vo v ke hrude...

Page 38: ...ceps Pre zmenu cvi enia vyrovnajte nohy a dv hajte kolen A 15 Bru n svalstvo Polo te si vank pod spodn as chrbta zdvihnite nohy a ruky zalo te za hlavu pre oporu presved te sa e plecia s v paralelnej...

Page 39: ...predu T to by mala by jemne pokr en zadn nohu dr te vystret Tla te p tou prednej nohy smerom dole a mali by ste poci ova jemn tlak na l tkov sval Pre zmenu cvi enia udr ujte chrb t vystret a zatl ajte...

Page 40: ...polo te na podlo ku prstami smerom ku stene Oddych je jednoduch jednoducho relaxujte a u vajte si mas l tok vibra n m zariaden m C 02 Mas ramien ahnite si nabok tv rou smerom k vibra n mu zariadeniu U...

Page 41: ...ou smerom von nohy ir ie od seba Vypodlo te si chrb t podlo kou a prid ajte sa okrajov pre lep iu oporu Relaxujte po as vibr ci ktor s zameran na spodn as Va ej chrbtice Pre alternat vne cvi enie zohn...

Page 42: ...42 V kres dielcov All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 43: ...14 Podlo ka podpery motora 2 47 4 p rov podlo ka 4 15 Kovov chyty motora 48 4 podlo ka 4 16 Tlmi 4 49 ST3 8 16 samorezn skrutka 4 17 Protisklzov podlo ka 1 50 M6X10 skrutka 4 18 Vibra n cvi iaca podlo...

Page 44: ...ania filter toroids t or oi ds toroids column toroids transducer out wire big console small console middle control wire m ot or transducer power connection wire power switch fuse bracket power cord po...

Page 45: ...zmi myselne pozmenen m designom tvarom alebo rozmermi Upozornenie 1 cvi enie sprev dzaj ce zvukov mi efektami a ob asn m v zgan m nie je z vada br niaca riadnemu u vaniu stroja a teda nem e by predmet...

Page 46: ...nie inSPORTline Sunflower IN 2142 PV AC2610 INSPORTLINE PL Ul Kantorowicak 400 31 763 Krak w Tel fax 012 417 38 50 012 645 60 00 www insportline pl biuro insportline pl All manuals and user guides at...

Page 47: ...ieciowy z gniazdka Podczas wk adania lub wyjmowania kabla z do gniazdka nale y mie suche r ce istnieje ryzyko pora enia pr dem lub zranienia Nie nale y pozostawia na kablu sieciowym adnych metalowych...

Page 48: ...48 CECHY Konsola Kolumna Pasy Uchwyt Podstawka P yta Konsola All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 49: ...49 LISTA CZ CI NARZ DZIA All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 50: ...I MONTA U KROK 1 Przymocuj kolumn do ramy podtawy 1 Po cz przewody ewen trz Kolumny i Ramy Podstawy i w je do kolumny Nast pnie przymocuj kolumn do ramy podstawy All manuals and user guides at all gui...

Page 51: ...10 Dokr je mocno za pomoc klucza Rama podstawy Kolumna 10 uszczelka M 1 0 L o c k n u t 4 M 8 X 2 5 B o l t 4 1 3 a n d 1 6 6 1 0 W a s h e r 4 M 1 0 L o c k n u t 4 M 8 X 2 5 B o l t 4 1 3 a n d 1 6...

Page 52: ...52 3 Przymocuj pokryw deski pod kolumn plastikowym ryglem All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 53: ...53 KROK 2 Istalacja uchwyt w do kolumny Przymocyj uchwyty do kolumny u ywaj c 4 rygli M8X25 M8X25 rygiel Uchwyt All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 54: ...L CZ ST L H USTAWIONE PROGRAMY P1 P4 START 1 W kabel zasilania do gniazdka a nast pnie naci nij w cz urz dzenie 2 Wybierz CZAS CZ TOTLIWO H L nast pnie naci nij maszyna zacznie dzia a 3 Podczas wicze...

Page 55: ...r wnowag gdy stoisz na urz dzeniu wibruj cym Nigdy nie wieszaj si za uchwyty nie poci gaj ich mocno u ywaj ich tylko do zachowania r wnowagi A Poni sze pozycje podczas wicze s zabronione Pozycja 1 Po...

Page 56: ...owane i kolana odrobnink ugi te delikatnie napnij mi snie n g Powiniene czu napi cie w mi niu czworog owym plecach i po ladkach A 02 G boki przysiad Sta na Power plate p asko stopami I r wno z barkami...

Page 57: ...maj c plecy prosto I brzuch wci gni ty powiniene poczu napi cie w mi niach ydek Aby doda r norodno ci wiczeniu spr buj ugi c kolana pod k tem 90 A 06 Zanurzenie Sta ty em do urz dzenia pewnie chwyc sz...

Page 58: ...nogi proste popchnij swoje barki w d I napnij tors W tym cwiczeniu pracuj boczne mi nie brzucha Aby zr nicowa wiczenie staraj si unie swoje biodra w tym samym czasie A 14 Pchanie Ukl knij z przodu Pow...

Page 59: ...den gole na Power plate Trzymaj c g rn cz cia I plecy wyprostowane napnij brzuch Podczas popychania miednicy do przodu bedziesz rozciaga mi nie czworog owe B 03 rozci ganie ydki Sta bokiem na Power pl...

Page 60: ...plate Upewnij si czy twoje cia o nie dotyka p yty Nast pnie powt rz masa z drug nog D RELAX D 01 relax bark w i szyi Ukl knij przed Power plate z r kami wyprostowanymi Trzymaj plecy I szyj wyprostowan...

Page 61: ...rum Power plate umieszczaj c poduszk pod po ladkami z rozstawionymi nogami Pozw l g rnej cz ci cia a opa swobodnie Powiniene czu mi e wibracje relaksuj ce plecy biodra I uda RYSUNEK CZ CI All manuals...

Page 62: ...giel 2 10 124mm podstawka 4 43 M5X15 ruba 4 11 Pasy 2 44 5 uszczelka 4 12 Pokryw uchwytu 2 45 5 spr ynowa uszczelka 4 13 Podk adka kolumny 1 46 M4X15 ruba 4 14 Podk adka wspieraj ca silnik 2 47 4 spr...

Page 63: ...ry 1 58 Deska mocuj ca przewody 1 26 filtr 1 59 Podk adka uchwytu 2 27 prze cznik 1 60 PS pokrywa bazy 1 28 bezpiecznik 1 61 PS przednia pokrywa 1 29 Kabel zasilania 1 62 19X19 plastikowy rygiel 4 30...

Page 64: e urz dzenie nie powinny wej w kontakt z wod 10 Komputera nie nale y nara a na dzia anie promieni s onecznych kontrolowa funkcjonowanie baterii aby nie dosz o do wylania baterii a tym samym uszkodz...

Page 65: ...odzin pracy urz dzenia Podczas trwania gwarancji zostan usuni te r ne wady produktu spowodowane wad produkcyjn lub wadliwym materia em w taki spos b by urz dzenie nadawa o si do ponownego u ytku Do 14...

Page 66: ...e inSPORTline Sunflower IN 2142 PV AC2610 ALAGEN S R L Etaj 4 apod 4 Judetul Hunedoara Aleea Panselutelor Bloc 30 Deva Tel 0354 882222 office insportline ro www insportline ro All manuals and user gui...

Page 67: produsul 3 Nu inserati obiecte straine in gaurile lasate libere ale aparatului 4 A nu se folosi de catre persoanele de peste 180 kg 5 A nu se folosi de catre 2 persoane in acelasi timp 6 Intotdeaun...

Page 68: ...68 COMPONENTE Consola Coloan a Corzi de cauciuc Maner Picioruse Baza aparatului Consola All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 69: ...69 Componente asamblare HARDWARE PACK Nota Compania isi rezerva dreptul de a schimba specificatiile produsului All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 70: cadrul de baza A Conectati firele electrice din interiorul cadrului de baza si al coloanei si puneti le in interiorul coloanei Apoi atasati coloana aparatului la cadrul de baza urmand pasii urmato...

Page 71: ...71 B Atasati coloana la cadrul de baza cu 4 saibe 10 si 4 piulite M10 Fixati fine cu o cheie Coloana M10 Piulita 10 Saiba Cadrul de baza 10 Washer 4 All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 72: ...72 C Atasati protectia de sub coloana cu suruburi de plastic All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 73: ...73 Pasul 2 Instalati manerul la coloana Instalati manerul la coloana principala folosind 4 suruburi M8X25 Maner M8X25 surub All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 74: ...H FREQ L FREQ SET L H PROGRAME PRESETATE P1 P4 1 Introduceti cablul de alimentare in priza si porniti aparatul 2 Alegeti TIME FREQUENCY si H L apoi apasati aparatul va porni 3 In timpul exercitiului...

Page 75: ...echilibrat pe aparat in timpul utilizarii acestuia Nu va lasati niciodata pe maner sau sa nu impingeti niciodata de maner Folositi manerul numai pentru a pastra echilibrul A urmatoarele pozitii pe apa...

Page 76: ...genunchii putin indoiti usor incordati muschii picioarelor A 02 Deep Squat Stati pe aparatul de vibromasaj cu picioarele apropiate Tineti genunchii putin indoiti lasand partea superioara a corpului pu...

Page 77: ...Stand cu spatele la aparat tineti mainile pe aparat si incercati sa va ridicati in maini pe aparat ca in imaginea alaturata Repetati miscarea Pentru a varia exercitiul intindeti genunchii si repetati...

Page 78: ...xercitiu este ideal pentru umeri A 11 Lower Abdominals Lasativa greutatea corpului pe maini si varful picioarelor Incercati sa faceti flotari iar pentru a varia exercitiul incercati sa faceti florari...

Page 79: ...atul drept incet impingand usor in jos cu mainile Este important sa mentineti soldurile drepte si sa impingeti umerii in sus Incercati sa faceti acelasi exercitiu insa cu picioarele drepte B 01 Hamstr...

Page 80: ...itia si pentru piciorul celalalt B 05 Shoulder Stretch Stati cu spatele la aparat si folositi va de mana stanga sa trageti de coarda elastica catre posterior Mana dreapta o puneti pe cap tragand usor...

Page 81: ...o parte pe aparat cu genunchii ridicati la solduri Folositiva de coate pentru a va sustine partea superioara a corpului Tineti spatele drept Repetati masajul pe cealalta parte a corpului D 01 Shoulder...

Page 82: ...ibrul cu ajutorul coatelor Tineti gatul si spatele drepte Ca in imaginea alaturata D 04 Back Relaxer Asezati va in central suprafetei vibratoare cu picioarele desfacute Permiteti partii superioare a c...

Page 83: ...83 DESEN DETALIAT All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 84: ...46 M4X15 screw 4 14 motor support cushion 2 47 4 spring washer 4 15 motor fix iron 48 4 washer 4 16 plate frame connection cushion 4 49 ST3 8 16 self taping screw 4 17 anti slide cushion 1 50 M6X10 s...

Page 85: ...IAGRAMA CIRCUIT Nota Compania isi rezerva dreptul de a schimba specificatiile produs filter toroids t oroi ds toroids column toroids transducer out wire big console small console middle control wire m...

Page 86: ...g p inSPORTline Sunflower IN 2142 PV AC2610 inSPORTline Hungary Kft Kossuth Lajos u 65 250 0 Esztergom Tel 0036 33 313242 insportline insportline hu www insportline hu All manuals and user guides at a...

Page 87: ...nt rtes tse az elad t 3 A g pen tal lhat ny l sokba ne t mj n semmit sem 4 A g p maxim lis terhel se 150 kg 5 Egyszerre csak egy szem ly haszn lhatja a g pet 6 A g pet ne haszn lja kinti k rnyezetben...

Page 88: ...88 A g p r szei Computer Tart oszlop szalagok korm ny l bak talp Computer All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 89: ...89 Az sszeszerel shez sz ks ges r szek Szersz mok All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 90: ...elszerel se a talpra A K sse ssze az elelktromos k beleket a talp s a tart oszlop k zt majd helyezze azokat az oszlopba Ezek ut n szerelje fel a tart oszlopot a talpra a k vetkez l p sek szerint All m...

Page 91: ...91 B Csatolja az oszlopot a talphoz 10 al t ttel s 4 db M10 any val H zza meg kell en csavarkulccsal oszlop M10 anya 10 al t t talp 10 Washer 4 All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 92: ...92 C R gz tse a takar t az oszlop al m anyag csavarral All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 93: ...93 2 L p s A korm ny felszerel se Szerelje fel a korm nyt M8X25 csavarok seg ts g vel korm ny M8X25 csavar All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 94: ...ME id 30S 90S 180S FREQUENCY SET frekvencia be ll t s 35Hz 40Hz 45Hz 50Hz COUNT DOWN visszasz ml l s 180S 0S H FREQ L FREQ SET L H PRESET PROGRAM el re be ll tott program P1 P4 All manuals and user gu...

Page 95: ...gomb megnyom s val a g p le ll PROGRAM A PROG gomb megnyom s val v laszthat a P1 P4 el re be ll tott programok k z l Figyelem Mindig gyeljen az egyens ly ra a g p haszn lata k zben Soha ne nehezkedjen...

Page 96: ...96 A g p mozgat sa 4 A k pen l that sz ll t s a megfelel a g p sz m ra 5 A k vetkez k peken l that m dszerek nem megfelel ek az thelyez sre All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 97: ...rdeit A gyakorlat v gz se k zben fokozottan gyeljen r hogy h ta egyenes maradjon A 04 L pjen r egyik l b val a talpra m sik l b t enyh n tolja h tra majd fesz tse be izmait A gyakorlat v gz se k zben...

Page 98: ...tsa azokat gyeljen r hogy csukl ja egyenes maradjon A 08 lljon k zvetlen l a talp mell h zza egyenes kezekkel a szalagokat maga fel A 09 lljon k zvetlen l a talp mell karjait egyenesen ny jtsa felfel...

Page 99: ...el s egyenes h ttal A 13 T maszkodjon a g pre oldalfekv sben egyik karj val l bait pedig keresztezze egym s f l tt A 14 T rdeljen a g p el karjait helyezze el gy hogy ujjai befel n zzenek A 15 Fek dj...

Page 100: ...nyire csak lehets ges B 02 Tegye r egyik l b t h trafel a taplra m sikkal l pjen el re ahogy az a k pen is l that B 03 lljon a k pen l that p zban a talpra h ts l b n tolja le sark t amennyire csak le...

Page 101: ...egye r a g pre a kezeit gy hogy ujjai kifel mutassanak C 01 Fek dj n hanyatt le a f ldre majd helyezze v dlij t a g pre C 02 Fek dj n oldalra hajl tsa be egyik l b t tegyen a kez t a g pre majd relax...

Page 102: ...rdeljen a g p el majd egyenes karokkal t maszkodjon a g pre gyeljen r hogy h ta egyenes legyen D 02 lj n le a g p el gy hogy dereka rintkezzen vele D 03 lj n le a g pnek h ttal s k ny k vel t maszkod...

Page 103: ...103 Teljes rajz All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 104: ...shion 1 46 M4X15 screw 4 14 motor support cushion 2 47 4 spring washer 4 15 motor fix iron 48 4 washer 4 16 plate frame connection cushion 4 49 ST3 8 16 self taping screw 4 17 anti slide cushion 1 50...

Page 105: ...forg s diagram filter toroids t or oi ds toroids column toroids transducer out wire big console small console middle control wire m ot or transducer power connection wire power switch fuse bracket pow...

Page 106: ...106 ENG Vibrating machine inSPORTline Sunflower IN 2142 PV AC2610 All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 107: ...any openings 4 No person weighing over 150 Kilograms should use this product 5 Only one person at a time should use this equipment 6 Always use this power plate on a clear and level surface Do not us...

Page 108: ...108 FEATURES Console Column Straps Handlebar Cushion Plate Console All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 109: ...109 ASSEMBLY PART LIST HARDWARE PACK Note Specifications are subject to change without notice All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 110: ...he Column to the Base Frame A Connect the electronic wires inside the Base Frame and the Column and put them into the Column Then install the column to the base frame according to the steps All manual...

Page 111: ...ttach the Column to the Base Frame using four 10 Washers and four M10 Locknuts Tighten it securely with wrench Column M10 Locknut 10 Washer Base Frame 10 Washer 4 All manuals and user guides at all gu...

Page 112: ...112 C Attached the cover board under column with plastic bolt All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 113: ...113 STEP 2 Install the handle bar to the column Install the handle bar to the column using four M8X25 bolts Handle Bar M8X25 Bolt All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 114: ...114 CONSOLE OPERATION CONSOLE TIME 30S 90S 180S FREQUENCY SET 35Hz 40Hz 45Hz 50Hz COUNT DOWN 180S 0S H FREQ L FREQ SET L H PRESET PROGRAM P1 P4 All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 115: ...he key the machine will stop PROGRAM Press the PROG Key you can choose P1 P4preset program Warning And Moving Machine You always need to be balanced when standing on the vibration plate machine Never...

Page 116: ...ving machine 6 This is right moving way 7 The following moving way will be prohibited because It will easily destroy the column Position 1 Position 2 Position 3 All manuals and user guides at all guid...

Page 117: ...ate with legs wide apart and toes turned outward Keeping the knees directly above the feet at a 100 degree angle gently bend the legs You should feel tension in the back buttocks quadriceps and inner...

Page 118: ...n the side of your body Push your chest out and shoulder blades together Pull your arms backwards in a smooth motion and you should feel tension in your upper back and shoulder area A 09 Front Raise S...

Page 119: ...ys Keeping your head torso and legs straight push your shoulders down and tighten your torso simultaneously This exercise works the lateral abdomen To add variation try pushing your hips upward at the...

Page 120: ...t remains off the Plate Keeping the upper body and back straight tense your stomach By pushing your pelvis forward you ll be stretching your quadriceps Vary this exercise by pulling the rear leg forwa...

Page 121: ...ently pull the straps on either side for optimum results C MASSAGE C 01 Calf Massage Lie in front of the unit with both calves resting on the Power Plate toes pointing toward the ceiling The rest is e...

Page 122: ...e Power Plate with your legs apart Place the mat between your body and the Power Plate and hold the edge s for support Relax during the vibration targeted primarily in the lower back As an alternative...

Page 123: ...123 EXPLODED DRAWING All manuals and user guides at all guides com...

Page 124: ...46 M4X15 screw 4 14 motor support cushion 2 47 4 spring washer 4 15 motor fix iron 48 4 washer 4 16 plate frame connection cushion 4 49 ST3 8 16 self taping screw 4 17 anti slide cushion 1 50 M6X10 s...

Page 125: ...RCUIT DIAGRAM Note Specifications are subject to change without notice filter toroids t or oi ds toroids column toroids transducer out wire big console small console middle control wire m ot or transd...
