Page 2: ...www SteamPoweredRadio Com INSTRUCT I ON MANUAL MAP I I MULTIBAND AUDIO PROCESSOR MODEL 231 July 1979 503 B Vandell Way Campbell CA 95008 408 374 8300 ...
Page 3: ...ations INSTALLATION 10 Unpacking and Inspection Mounting Connection to AC Power RFI In Out Connection and Considerations Polarity OPERATION AND ADJUSTMENT 12 Preliminary P C B Strapping Options Suggested Initial Setup Procedure Program Response Shaping Cautions Clipping Depth CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONS 1 7 A G C Amplifier Bandpass Compressor Peak Controller Power Supply CALIBRATION PROCEDURES Note Equip...
Page 4: ... II FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATIONS The MAP II is comprised of several interrelated but functionally unique subsections Rather than simply to list performance specifications a detailed functional description of MAP II operation is given specs relative to the described subsection appearing in the text An accompanying block diagram of the MAP II appears on page 3 Data not expressed or impl...
Page 5: ...f_ __ Inhibit Bus Bandpass Compre ssor 1 of 8 Compres sion Meter B P F B P F I Compress ion Equalizat ion Overcom p Bus A G C Clip Limlt Meter Metering Peak Limiter Drive t 11u1 Ac tive 1 1 riw Clipper Limiter Rotator I Output Level Asymmetr y Clipping Depth Fig 1 MAP I I Block Diagram Phase Detector ...
Page 6: ...oints at 300Hz and 3kHz to guard against erroneous gain hunting caused by non program noises Gating threshold sensitivity is preset at a value which will open the gate when midband program energy rises above 25dB relative to nominal program zero level Multiband Compression The heart of the MAP II and indeed the key to its operation is the division and processing of the program signal within multip...
Page 7: ...re processed separately in the initial compression stage Secondly the greater t he number of bands of pro gram division the higher the energy bandwidth product or program densi ty Thirdly with multiple frequency bands and flexibility of compression parameters program response may be shaped in a manner similar to that afforded by a graphic equal izer Both the input and out put level of each of the ...
Page 8: ...ing a warning indicator when any of the Compr essors works too hard Phase Follower Asymmetrical modulation of positive and negative peaks yields a modulation advantage only when the program mate rial is asymmetrical in nature Most music because it is a blend of complex waveforms which are not phase related has a very even balance of peak energies Solo instruments and the human voice on the other h...
Page 9: ...lipping Depth may be set to a desired value and once set will remain constant regardless of program content An optimum operating peak to average ratio may thus be selected from a very clean signal without audible clipping to a slight degree of clipping for a definite gain in loudness with negligible sacrifice in listen ability or even heavier clipping for decided modulation advantage with an atten...
Page 10: ... services other than AM broadcast W i th appropriate external pro vision for overmodulation protection the MAP II can be used for FM two for s tereo Other uses include maximum loudness signal processing in the production room or recording studi o Selectable Low Pass Filter An active Low Pass Filter follows the Peak Controller and serves to restrict the bandwidth of the MAP II output Higher order h...
Page 11: ...heir obvious ext remes All signal path circuitry is otherwise active Stereo Interconnection Two MAP II s may be interconnected for stereo operation The eight Bandpass Compressors are slaved for identical operat ion on a band for band basis and one Phase Follower may be slaved to the other or both defeated depending on which system of AM stereo transmission is ultimately approved MAP II Specificati...
Page 12: ... it be issued Mounting The MAP II is packaged to mount in a standard 19 inch equipme nt rack requiring 7 inches of rack spece per unit The MAP II generates negligible heat and itself is unaffected by wide variations in the ambient operating temperature Connection to AC Power The MAP II may be operated at any of the four common inter national AC power mains voltages 100 120 220 and 240VAC The power...
Page 13: ...should be placed across the processor s input terminals otherwise the input is balanced bridging with a characteristic input impedance of l0K or more The source impedance of the MAP II output amplifier ahead of the line output transformer is virtually zero However as the output transformer has some reactance it is impor tant that the output be terminated in 600 ohms to minimize overshoot The outpu...
Page 14: ... the unit functions properly and predictably in accordance with the initial setup pro cedure jAll adjustments are made on the air utilizing L rogram feed and the station Modulation Monitor a typical Preliminary P C B Strapping Options Input Gain Range The MAP II accommodates line input levels between 30 and lOdBm To extend resolution of the INPUT GAIN control the overall 40dB range is broken into ...
Page 15: ...With lOdB limiting the compromise release value yields about 1 distortion of a SOHz sine wave correspondingly less distortion at higher frequencies An alternate faster limiter release time is provided in the MAP II its optional use can result in a per ceptible increase in program loudness but at the expense of greater lQli frequency signal distortion Because the selectable hig h pass filter is pro...
Page 16: ...odulation Monitor Program Response Shaping Since the MAP II affords independent control over both the input to and output from each of the eight Bandpass Com pressors frequency characteristics of the program may be tailored to complement a specific programming format in much the same manner as with a Graphic Equalizer Even with all controls set to the 0dB mid position the MAP II will impart a brig...
Page 17: ...itial Procedure make alr changes for subjective purposes in small steps listening carefully to the results each time 2 Avoid large differences between he adjustments in adjacent bands The QUALIZATIO settings between adjacent bands should c rt exceed 6d _ and indicated compression should lose t o the same value in each band 3 Monitor the OVERCOMP indicator and back down com pression if the LED flas...
Page 18: ...program material When the pointer indicates in the gray area clipping is heavier and yields a definite modulation advantage Some harshness may be audible on voice however When the meter indicates in the black clipping is quite heavy and will certainly be audible probably objection able on voice and even some music 16 ...
Page 19: ...ndwidth response The first half of IC3 is the active gain control element of the A G C Amplifier This circuit the Santana con figuration utilizes FET QlA as an active variable resist ance across the inverting input of the operational amplifier QlB a parameter matched dummy FET is placed across the non inverting amplifier input and cancels the channel non linearities of QlA This permits control of ...
Page 20: ...vercomp bus Should any of the eight Bandpass Compressors afford more than about 15dB compression IC6 will toggle to illuminate the OVERCOMP indicator and to override A G C action and reduce circuit gain The A G C amplifier and Gating circuits are inhibited in the Proof mode via CRl0 and 11 The second half of IC3 and transistors Q2 and 3 form the output stage which feeds the eight Bandpass Compress...
Page 21: ...shunted assuming a non linear characteristic cancelling that of the saturation transistor Gain reduction is thus effected witho t distortion The output from the compressor is buffered by half of IC2 and fed to a precision full wave rectifier composed of IC3 and associated components Q3 normally on is turned off in the Proof mode to inhibit compression The rectified signal is buffered by Q9 and fil...
Page 22: ...rovide a n inaudible 180 degree program phase reversal IC3 buffers the signal appearing across Ql to linearize the FET DC control voltage for minimum signal distortion during the actual period of phase rotation The remaining half of ICS drives the front panel POLARI TY indicators Q2 and one half of IC4 comprise a Santana configuration the l i near gain control portion of the Peak Controller The Sa...
Page 23: ...Hz no straps l0kHz E to F and J to K or lSkHz E to F to H and J to K to L The remaining half of IC6 along with Q4 and 5 and associated circuitry makes up the line output amplifier Gain is variable over a 20dB range with OUTPUT LEVEL control R38 Chassis mounted output transformer T3 permits balanced operation Power Supply The MAP II Power Supply consists of chassis mounted power transformer Tl and ...
Page 24: ...cilloscope with lmHz bandwidth 4 MAP II Extender Card A G C Amplifier Assembly A Preliminary 1 Connect the oscillator to the MAP II input 2 Extend the A G C Amplifier assembly 3 Make a temporary connection to the top of R24 This is the A G C assembly output and should be connected to the AC voltmeter Be sure the other side of the voltmeter input is returned to ground 4 Conncet clip leads or other ...
Page 25: ... the Pink Noise test signal R21 can otherwise be left in the center of its rotation Bandpass Compressor Assemblies A Preliminary 1 Remove the A G C Amplifier assembly from the MAP II during calibration of the eight Bandpass Compressor assemblies 2 Remove all eight Bandpass Compressor assemblies Each is calibrated in i us own s l ot but with all others removed 3 Attach a temporary connection to the...
Page 26: ...ard can be adjusted as described on page 23 for an average of l0dB indicated compression then all COMPRESSION meter calibration controls R47 on the Bandpass Compressor assemblies can te trimmed for exactly l0dB indicated compression in all bands using the Pink Noise test signal Peak Controller Assembly A Preliminary 1 Remove the eight Bandpass Compressor assemblies from the MAP II 2 Extend the Pea...
Page 27: ...on and adjust R67 for a full scale zero indication 2 Depress the CLIPPING DEPTH button and adjust R60 for a full scale zero indication 3 Remove the MAP II from the Proof mode D Rectifier Balance 1 Turn both the POS PEAK AMPL control R53 and the CLIP DEPTH control R57 fully CCW 2 Depress the PEAK LIMITING button and advance the 1 kHz oscillator amplitude for an indicated l0dB of limiting 3 Connect ...
Page 28: ...www SteamPoweredRadio Com VII APPENDIX 26 ...
Page 29: ... limiting curve is flat With C strapped to D and J strapped to K the characterisitc conforms to the 25ps curve With C strapped to D and E and J strapped to K and L the limiting characteristic conforms to the stan dard 75Jl S curve Peak Limiting Release FM Peak Controller release timing is selectable as is the timing for the AM Peak Controller Refer to page 13 of the manual for a discussion of this...
Page 30: ... collector current for negative going peaks as Q5 does for posi tive Q8 gives additional control loop gain which is made variable with CLIPPING DEPTH control R34 Thus a signal composed of and proportional to the clipped portion of the program signal is rectified filtered by R40 41 and Cl3 buffered by one half of IC2 and used to vary program gain prior to clipping In this way the degree of program ...
Page 31: ...vel of 8dBm 3 Turn R42 fully CW The monitored output should measure 0dBm ldB Reset the oscillator output for a reading of exactly 0dBm 4 Turn R42 fully CCW and adjust R8 for a null The null should reach at least 40dBm 5 Turn R42 fully cw The reading should return to 0dBm Turn R42 CCW for a 0 25dB decrease in the actual voltmeter indication C Meter Calibration 1 Depress the PEAK LIMITING meter sele...
Page 32: ...ww SteamPoweredRadio Com _ 4 Rotate R29 through its range At one point near the center of rotation the pulse repetition rate should double Set R29 at this doubling point and for equal successive peaks 30 ...
Page 33: ... 7II Mylar 022u F 100v Sprag ue 225P2 2391 II Mylar luF 100v If 225Pl 0491 II Tanta lum 22uF 35v Matsu o DTSA 3502 224MIf Tanta lum luF 35v II DTSA 3502 lOSMII Tanta lum 2 2uF 20v DTSA 2002 225M II Mica l0pF Arco DM15 100J II Mica 330pF Arco DM15 331J II Mylar 0047 uF 100v Sprag ue 225P4 7291 II Tanta lum 4 7uF 20v Matsu o DTSA 2002 475M Diode Silic on G E 1N415 1 Integ rated Circu it Type MM583 7...
Page 34: ... e per schemat ic Switch Single Pushbutt on BANDPASS COMPRESS OR BOARD A N 147501 1 47508 Capacito r Polystyr ene II It II II II II II II It II II II Mica Tantalum Tantalum Tantalum Tantalum II It Diode Silicon 15000pF 4700pF l000pF 470pF 220pF 4 7uF 35v 220uF 6 3v 2 2uF 20v luF 35v 4 7uF 35v 22uF 35v MFG Beckman II II ti II Schadow Mal lory ti II ti Arco Matsuo II II II ti II G E MANUFACTU RER PA...
Page 35: ...8 AG37 D Trans istor FET MPFlll Siliconi x II 2N3645 Fairchil d II SE4010 II Resistor Variable Slide l0K CTS LM2842 II Trim l00K Beckman 9 1AR100K II II l0K II 91AR10K All fixed resistor s are l 4w carbon va l ue and to l erance per schemat ic PEAK CONTROLL ER ASSEMBLY A N 147000 Capacit or Mica l0pF Arco DM15 10 0J II Mylar 00luF 100v Sprague 225Pl029 1 II Tantalum 47uF 20v Matsuo 22IL 2002 476 M...
Page 36: ... Tantalum 220uF 6 3v Matsuo 22IL 6301 2 2 7M7 Tantalum l uF 35v DTSA 35 02 lOSM Di ode Silicon G E 1 N4 1 51 I n tegrate d Circuit Ty pe RC4558NB Raytheon NE5535N Signe t i cs II Type LF355N Nat i onal IC Sockets 8 pin DIP Augat I 308 AG37 D Transis t or FET M PFlll S il icon ix 2N3567 Fairchil d II 2N3645 It Resistor Variable lOOK Beckman 89PR1 00K It It 200 ohm II 91AR200 II It 50 0 ohm It 89P R...
Page 37: ...ilicon It II LED Indicator Green Red Integrated Circuit Type 7818 Type 7918 IC Socket 16 Pin DIP PC Socket 15 Pin Singl e edge Connector 2 Pin Mal e Barrier Strip 6 Terminal Power Connector and Fuseholder Meter Edgewise Compres sion S0OuF sov 2 2 uF 20V 0 005uF lkV II Limiting Cl i pping A G C Al l fixed resistors are l 4Wcarbon value and t o l erance per schematic I MFG Sprague Matsuo Sprague Mot...
Page 38: ... I w CJ I PART N U MBER 1840 148200 1502 1503 1109000 DESCRIPTIO N Switch Multi s tation Pushbutt on Transfor mer Power II Input Shield for 1 2 Transfor mer Output MFG I Schadow I Microtra n II MANUFACTU RER PART NUMBER 5FA15FA 201 BLK GRN 2UGR MTll A M90 ...
Page 39: ...N 12 4 ZU567 EQUIV I l flP P N 12 5 W W45 I fH P N l2JI l Flll O Oll S IRf P 1 JIOO ON OO QUJV l IC S A PIii IJl5 lYl E 5535 s 1 c 3 H F A l5 l A 4 3 SK ll K C II J 3 101 R20 IOK Ill IC re LF3 C I 2 2 CAI Azq L R 1 IO tof IOOK CR3 C Q II Kl 07 A47 IOK i rE c e 1 1 1 2 1 1 G NO I e CAI 1 51 l N A COlilP IN tC ATOR 11 2 1 01i1ERC 0111C 50 lt tECi t O t 150 CR4 ft6 rA c _ _ 10 R CR7 11 t t D 1 51 I 4...
Page 40: ... 5 3K IK I O K oft it Aict t O A 4 tO K U l C i 11 t i 4 I l i 2 l l ii5f IC cw c A S OOK 1 11 z s C J0 Z 2 4 c r 2a R42 1OK R4 100 1 R4 t I i R 1 c 13 eio i erl R I A c o CAl4 Tl O COUPLE Z 1t i I R 0 220 CR 12 OiLQrCOt IPS _ f l 1 NOTES ltlL SS OTIIE ISI Sl ECIFIEll I ll SISJf S J I N Ir I Villi I OIIKI 2 W CITORS AJlf 20V OR ETIER V llJ IN l Nf jj TRMSISTORS All PIN 121 2 llS6 EQUIV I 231 o A I...
Page 41: ...I W IOli VALi IN tll 1S I CAl J CIT Alf 20V O R amrn VAl lf IN JI J l N TR JSISTOIIS Al PIN 11 1 C 1hl567 EOIJIV 5 FET P ff l2C 1K l6 l5 PIii 11U C lfF lll 6 O IO l ES AA P N 1100 MqllO OUJV A P50M R5 l A Ru I 1 zu 51 514560 S H P 1 r G RS o o1o j cw S q 2 oo ca 1 t L_t _ rn l H I I lc 1 2 2 1 4 08 R45 i ffi Qf A o R4 H OK A 7 o C U RO 2 to a re cw l 1 CLIP Mf fl Q RM _Z _Z_ OK CQ13 Cl4 11 1 0 Jt1...
Page 42: ... A ll INµf f j TRAISIST ORS Al PIN 12G4 2113561 0UIV PNP PIN 1205 2NW fEI PIN llll Ml f 111 0100 S k PIN 1100 UN EQUIV C R A ZO t K C4 47 c w R B 200 Z K Rl4 C1 150PF r c 03K R oS K oz R IO K RIO 19_1 14 R J R Z 8 o oK cWc 200 000K CI I r e20 r CLIPPIH6 C RS 0 4 G 1 R 2 S 4 7 0 R21 2 ja a o 1 100K c 1 1 3 1e I l J 1 2 s c i l G JO Z r 4 I l l PROO A IOOJ 4 1 t i c I o a b H R a 1001 r w s R 3 7 IO...
Page 43: ...www SteamPoweredRadio Com I i tv I PEAK U Ml TINC C1 IPP1N DEPT H A S C A t N6 11 PROOI Pl wla A o 4 11 e I I I 231 u J 65 f f _ lrAt IZ 0 79 ICS H LJ w l Z IG 79 I I _ SCHEMATIC CHASSIS i 1 1 150300 IA ...
Page 44: ...the purchaser to return equipment for warranty service to the dealer from whom it was originally purchased unless prior arrangement is made with the dealer to inspect or repair at the user s location This warranty is subject to the following conditions 1 Warranty card supplied with the equipment must be completed and returned to the factory within 10 days of purchase 2 Warranty is void if unauthor...