Frequency Agile
Keychain Transmitter
Installation Instructions
The receiver will see the FA214 as 4 separate transmitters.
Pressing one of the buttons activates the output programmed to
that point.
Activation signals are transmitted multiple times, and are indicated
by the blinking transmission indicator LED.
Note: The FA214 does not send restoral signals; i.e., it only
transmits activations. The receiver should be programmed for
momentary outputs.
Attention: Inovonics recommends that the FA214 be
programmed as a supervised device if used for life safety
Fold line indicator:
Cut line indicator:
Important Notes
These products are designed to be installed and
by professional security technicians.
Products, unless specifically noted, are intended for indoor
Manually test all products regularly.
Inovonics Wireless Corporation
315 CTC Blvd, Louisville CO 80027
(800) 782-2709
FAX (303)939-8977
E-mail: [email protected]
Transmission indicator LED
Optional Mounting
If desired, the FA214 can be screw-mounted to a fixed surface.
Drill through-holes (.200" max diameter) in the back housing
cover in locations shown below. Wood screws used to mount the
transmitter should be size #8 or smaller. Screw head height must
be less than .150". Larger screw heads may cause short-circuits
on the unit.
Mounting screw drlll-out wells
(Maximum size: #8 screw)
Programming the FA214 to FA416 or FA464 Receivers
1. Using an FA116 or FA104 programmer, program outputs to be
Momentary. Set momentary value as needed.
2. Points assigned to the FA214 must be sequential: 1-4, 3-6, etc.
3. Program each point Normally Open, no EOL, no Internal Contact.
Note: If supervision is desired, program only the initial point for the
desired check-in. Program the other 3 points to be unsupervised.
Assign outputs to points as desired.
4. Program the FA214 to the initial point number.
a) Press firmly with a small slotted screwdriver in the slot behind
the LED to open the pendant case.
b) Connect the programming cable from the programming
device to the programming header on the transmitter.
c) Press the Reset button on the transmitter.
d) Disconnect the programming cable.
e) Close the pendant case.
Programming header
Reset button
Suggested check-in interval:
60 seconds*
Typical battery life:
3 to 5 years
3.0V lithium Sanyo CR2
(The battery is always supervised)
* To extend battery life, actual check-in interval is 2 to 3 times the programmed value.
5. Program and activate the next three points.
a) Press "A". Do not use the programming cable.
6. When successfully programmed, each button will activate the
assigned output.
NOTE: FA214 transmitters retain programming data in non-
volatile memory. They do not require reprogramming after loss
of power. Install new battery and press reset button to re-
initialize the transmitter and restore programming.
ATTENTION: Test transmitter weekly.