Inovonics EN4000 Installation Instructions Download Page 1

4.15.21 357-00023-02 Rev A © Inovonics, 2021 -

EN4000 Universal Serial Receiver

Installation Instructions

1 Overview

The universal serial receiver is a wireless gateway between EchoStream 

one-way transmitters (security, submetering, temperature, or analog) and a 

head end application using an RS-232 serial interface.

1.1 Installing an Inovonics Security System

An EchoStream survey kit should be used to establish an EchoStream 

system. The EchoStream survey kit measures the signal strength of high-

power repeater and sensor messages to help optimize your EchoStream 


 Figure 1  

Sample EchoStream system

The EchoStream survey kit provides you with two signal strength 

measurements: signal level and signal margin.

Signal level

The signal level is the measurement of the overall decibel level of the 


Signal margin

The signal margin is the measurement of the decibel level of the message, 

minus the decibel level of any interfering signals. Inovonics equipment 

should be placed within a facility such that all end-devices produce signal 

margin readings of at least 4 decibels.
Both the signal level and signal margin are measured in decibels. Because 

signal strength and signal margin are measured on a logarithmic scale, the 

difference between a decibel level of 3 (Weak) and a decibel level of 4 

(Good) is a much larger difference than it would be on a linear scale.


Inovonics offers two options for site surveys: the EN7017 survey kit 

and app and EN4016SK survey receiver. The EN4016SK survey receiver 

displays the decibel level, while the EN7017 survey kit and app displays 

only that the reception is good or weak. For more information, see the 

EN4016SK Survey Receiver Installation and Operation Manual 

or the 

EN7017 Survey Kit and App Installation and Site Survey Instructions



The EchoStream system should be tested regularly to ensure 

operation. To test: place the system in test mode, activate an end device, 

and ensure an appropriate response.

1.2 RF Signal Propagation

While wood, drywall and glass usually let the RF signals pass, some 

materials may inhibit or attenuate radio frequency (RF) signal propagation 

by blocking, reflecting, deflecting or absorbing RF signals.
Consider anything between transmitters and repeaters and/or the receiver. 

Is there concrete and steel construction? Are there earthen berms or hills? 

Are there a lot of trees? Devices should be mounted such that they are 

least affected by these elements. 

For best results, transmitters and repeaters should be mounted at the 

optimal height to achieve line of sight to repeaters and/or the receiver. 

Usually this means they will be mounted as high as possible.
Following are some typical obstacles to RF signal propagation:

1.3 Inovonics Contact Information

If you have any problems with this procedure, contact Inovonics technical 


• E-mail: [email protected].
• Phone: (800) 782-2709.




Metal construction, including 
ductwork; pipes; studs; 
stucco, plaster or concrete 
with wire mesh; satellite 
dishes, metal-lined rooms 
such as walk-in coolers or 
freezers; metal siding, safes, 

Can reflect, absorb 
and/or disrupt RF 

Perform a site survey 
using an Inovonics 
wireless survey kit to 
verify the RF signal is 
acceptable, and, when 
necessary, to determine 
where to locate 

Completely enclosed metal 

Can restrict RF 

Solar panels, cinder block 
walls, windows with built-in 
solar tinting.

Can absorb and/or 
reflect RF signals.


Can attenuate RF 
signals. The RF 
environment can 
alter as trees shed 
or sprout leaves.

Add repeaters as issues 

Automobile and truck traffic.

Can disrupt RF 

Mount Inovonics devices 
at a height sufficient to 
achieve line of sight 
above traffic.

For product and installation videos visit us at or use the QR 

code below.
