Page 2: ...eredRadio Com USER S RECORD Mode 215 _ _ _ S N Date Purchased Harranty Card Sent Purchased From INSTRUCTION MANUAL MODEL 215 MULTIFUNCTION AUDIO PROCESSOR AUGUST 1979 503 BVANDELL WAY CAMPBELL CA 95008 408 374 8300 ...
Page 3: ...spection Mounting RFI I n Out Conne ction and Conside rations Polarity OPERATION AND ADJUSTMENT Preliminary P C B Strapping Options Sugges ted Initial Setup Procedure Clipping Depth 7 9 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONS 12 A G C Amplifier Average Level Compress or AM Peak Controller FM Peak Controller Bypass Assembli es Power Supply CALIBRATI ON PROCEDURES Not e Equipment Required A G C Amplifier Ass embl y Co...
Page 4: ... provided singly to perform specific processing functions or to complement existing equipment or the 215 may be fully loaded and stand alone as a complete processing system II FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATIONS A description of each of the three processing functions of the 215 follows Specifications relative to the described subsection are given in the text Performance data not expressed or...
Page 5: ...rapping instructions are given on page 9 A digitally generated pseudo random Pink Noise generator is an integral part of the 215 A G C Amplifier assembly Pink Noise is a very useful audio test signal its constant power per octave or equal fractions thereof energy distribution and characteristic crest factor more closely approximate pro gram material than do discrete oscillator tones A switch subst...
Page 6: ... inaudibly rolls the phase through a 180 degree shift when required for maximum positive modulation Sensitivity of the phase detection circuit of the Phase Follower is fixed yet a function of the degree of peak limiting clipping in effect With a consis tent lOdB of peak reduction asymmetry of 10 will cause a phase reversal With lSdB peak reduction 5 asymmetry will initiate a roll The 215 AM Peak C...
Page 7: ...h the legal maximum It must be warned however that transmitters which fall into this category are incapable of linear operation up to 125 The very slight gain in perceived signal loudness must be weighed against probable high s i gnal distortion in these cases An active Low Pass Filter follows the AM Peak Controller and serves to restrict the bandwidth of the processor output Higher order harmonic...
Page 8: ...ll signal path circuitry is otherwise active Stereo Interconnection Two 215 s may be interconnected for stereo operation Com pressors are slaved for identical operation and one Phase Follower may be slaved to the other or both defeated depending on which system of AM stereo transmission is ultimately approved 215 Specifications This is a tabulation of those performance specifications which are not...
Page 9: ... issued Mounting The 215 is packaged to mount in a standard 19 inch equipment rack requiring 3 1 2 inches of rack space per unit The processor generates negligible heat and itself is unaffected by wide variations in the ambient operating temperature RFI The 215 is specifically designed to operate in close prox imity to broadcast transmitters nevertheless care should be exercised in locating the un...
Page 10: ...s the output transformer has some reactance it is important that the output be terminated in 600 ohms to minimize over shoot The output clipping level of the 215 is 24dBm To permit positive peak excursions to reach 125 the nominal 100 modulation sine wave output level should be kept at 18dBm or below Polarity The input and output of the 215 are each marked with and designations to aid in maintaini...
Page 11: ...Opt ions Input Gain Range The 215 accommodates line input levels between 30 and l0dBm To extend resolution of the INPUT GAIN control the overall 40dB range is broken into two 20dB ranges selected by a strap on the A G C Amplifier P C B or Peak Controller P C B if the A G C and Compressor options are not used For line input levels between 30 and l0dBm a strap should be placed across terminals A and...
Page 12: ...ram loudness but at the expense of greater low fre quency signal distortion Because the selectable high pass filter is provided on the A G C amplifier however a user can opt to roll the low frequencies off and utilize the faster release with no apparent program degradation The faster release time is enabled by strapping terminals Mand Non the AM Peak Controller P C B and P and Hon the FM version A...
Page 13: ... with the CLIP DEPTH control This adjustment is made subjectively and the final setting should be arrived at only after sampling all types of program material By depressing the CLIPPING DEPTH metering button a rnore or less quantative indication of clipping depth is displayed on the front panel meter With the pointer remaining in the white zone clipping is very light and inaudible with any program...
Page 14: ... width response The first half of IC3 is the active gain control element of the A G C Amplifier This circuit the Santana config uration utilizes FET QlA as an active variable resistance across the inverting input of the operational amplifier QlB a parameter matched dummy FET is placed across the non inverting amplifier input and cancels the channel non linearities of QlA This permits control of th...
Page 15: ...l toggle to illuminate the OVERCOMP indicator and to override A G C action and reduce circuit gain The A G C amplifier and Gating circuits are inhibited in the Proof mode via CRl0 and 11 The second half of IC3 and transistors Q2 and 3 form an output stage to feed the Compressor assembly Terminals Hand F must be strapped when this assembly is used in the 215 the RC network thus shorted is required ...
Page 16: ...ode of the Peak Controller input amplifier ICl The one half of ICl is a voltage amplifier stage for signals from the Compressor assembly Variable feedback resistor R4 is the LIMITER D RIVE control and affords a 20dB drive adjustment The other half of ICl provides additional voltage gain for the Phase Follower detector and control circuit Positive and negative peaks are rectified by CRl and 2 respe...
Page 17: ...d to vary program gain prior to clipping In this way the degree of program clipping can be kept constant regardless of pro gram content When R57 is fully CCW minimum resistance control loop gain is at maximum so that virtually no meas urable clipping at all results in linear gain reduction Increasing the value of R57 reduces control loop gain so that Q6 and 7 must conduct harder to effect gain red...
Page 18: ... vary program gain prior to clipping In this way the degree of program clipping can be kept constant regardless of pro gram content When R34 is fully ccw minimum resistance control loop gain is at maximum so that virtually no meas urable clipping at all results in linear gain reduction Increasing the value of R34 reduces control loop gain so that QS and 6 must conduct harder to affect gain reducti...
Page 19: ... associated with the output amplifier afford a l0dB gain change Between the A to B C to D strappings and the variable control the Peak Controller bypass assembly can be assigned any value of circuit gain which may be required in an installation situation Power Supply The 215 Power Supply con ists of chassis mounted power transformer Tl and rectifier and regulator components mounted on the Power Su...
Page 20: ... 1 Stable Audio Oscillator H P 200 CD or equivalent 2 AC Voltmeter with dB scale H P 400 Dor equiv 3 Oscilloscope wit h lmHz bandwidth 4 Processor Extender Card A G C Amplifier Assembly A Preliminary 1 Connect the oscillator to the 215 input 2 Extend the A G C Amplifier assembly 3 Make a temporary connection to the top of R24 This is the A G C assembly output and should be connected to the AC volt...
Page 21: ... will be slow so wait for the indi cation to stabilize during adjustment E R21 Adjustment R21 is adjusted after the Compressor assembly has been calibrated With the COMPRESSION slide pot centered R21 is adjusted for l0dB indicated compres sion with the Pink Noise test signal R21 can other wise be left in the center of its rotation Compressor Assembly A Preliminary 1 Remove the A G C Amplifier asse...
Page 22: ... R3 centered and l0dBm at lkHz from the oscillator adjust R45 for a reading of lOdBm at the output of the combining amplifier 2 Adjust R47 for a front panel COMPRESSION meter indication of l0dB 3 After the Compressor assembly has been calibrated and the A G C Amplifier card installed R21 on the A G C Amplifier card can be adjusted as de scribed on page 19 for l0dB indicated compression AM Peak Con...
Page 23: ... 0dBm Turn R65 CCW for a 0 25dB decrease in the actual voltmeter indication C Meter Calibration 1 Depress the PEAK LIMITING meter selector button and adjust R67 for a full scale zero indication 2 Depress the CLIPPING DEPTH button and adjust R60 for a full scale zero indication 3 Remove the 215 from the Proof mode o Rectifier Balance 1 Turn both the POS PEAK AMPL control R53 and the CLIP DEPTH cont...
Page 24: ...l and Pinchoff l Place the 215 in Proof Turn both the LIMIT DRIVE control R4 and the OUTPUT LEVEL control Rl7 fully CCW 2 Apply lkHz to the terminal A input point at a level of 8dBm 3 Turn R42 fully CW The monitored output should measure 0dBm ldB Reset the oscillator output for a reading of exactly 0dBm 4 Turn R42 fully CCW and adjust RS for a null The null should reach at lease 40dBm 5 Turn R42 f...
Page 25: ...cillator amplitude for an indicated lOdB of limiting 3 Connect the scope probe to the top of R38 A baseline of about 6V with a positive going pulse train should be observed 4 Rotate R29 through its range At one point near the center of rotation the pulse repetition rate should double Set R29 at this doubling point and for equal successive peaks 23 ...
Page 26: ...www SteamPoweredRadio Com VII APPENDIX 24 ...
Page 27: ...antalum 22uF 35V II Tantalum luF 35V II Tantalum 2 2uF 20V II Mica lOpF II Mica 330pF II Mylar 0047uF lOOV II Tantalum 4 7uF 20V Diode Silicon Integrated Circuit Type MM5837 II Type RC4558NB NE5535N II II Type LF355N IC Sockets 8 pin DIP Transistor FET MPFlll II 2N3567 2N3645 I I MANUFACTURER MFG PART NUMBER Matsuo 221L 2002 476M7 Sprague 225P22391 225Pl0491 Matsuo DTSA 3502 224M DTSA 3502 lOSM fl...
Page 28: ... ohm ti 91AR20 0 ti II lK II 91AR1K II II lOK 91AR10K All fixed resisto rs are l 4W carbon value and toleran ce per schema tic I Switch Single Pushbu tton I Schadow I FG EE FG Wht COMPRE SSOR ASSEMBL Y A N 14 7 500 Capaci tor Tantalu m 4 7uF 20V Matsuo DTSA 2002 4 75M II Tantalu m 220uF 6 3V Matsuo 22IL 6301 2 27M7 II Tantalu m 2 2uF 20V Matsuo DTSA 2 002 2 25M Diode Silicon Signal G E 1N4151 Inte...
Page 29: ... are l 4W carbon value and toleranc e per schemat ic AM PEAK CONTROLL ER ASSEMBLY A N 1 47000 Capacito r Mica l0pF Arco DM15 10 0J II Mylar 0OluF l00V Sprague 225Pl029 1 II Tantalum 47uF 20V Matsuo 22IL 200 2 476M7 II Tantalum 2 2uF 20V Matsuo DTSA 200 2 225M II Mylar luF lOOV Sprague 225Pl049 1 II Tantalum 4 7uF 20V Matsuo DTSA 20 02 475M II Mica 300pF Arco DM15 301 J II Mica lS0pF Arco DM15 151 ...
Page 30: ...510 II II l0K fl 89PR10K R60 65 67 0559 II lOK II 91AR10K All fixed resistors are l 4W carbon value and tolerance per schematic FM PEAK CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY A N 150900 Cl 0801 Capacitor Mica l0pF Arco DM15 100J C2 0858 II Mylar 0047uF l00V Sprague 225P47291 C3 0854 II Mylar 0022uF lO0V Sprague 225P22291 C4 5 1070 Tantalum 47uF 20V Matsuo 221L 2002 476M7 C6 0827 11 Mica 300pF Arco DM15 301J C7 0812 ...
Page 31: ...Silicon Signal Integrated Circuit Type RC4558NB NE5535N Transistor FET matched pair MPFlll MPFlll NPN 2N3567 ti PNP 2N3645 NPN SE4010 Resistor Multiturn Variable lOOK II Variable Trimmer 200 ohm II Multiturn Variable lOK Variable Trimmer lOK All fixed resistors are l 4W carbon value and tolerance per schematic MANUFACTURER MFG PART NUMBER Matsuo 22IL 6301 227M7 Matsuo DTSA 2002 475M Matsuo DTSA 35...
Page 32: ...58NB Transistor II 2N3567 2N3645 Resistor Variable l00K All fixed resistors are l 4W carbon value and tolerance per schematic POWER SUPPLY BOARD A N 1 473 00 LED BOARD A N 147900 MOTHER BOARD A N 151200 and CHASSIS ASSY Capacitor Electrolytic II II Tantalum Ceramic Diode Silicon 500uF S0V 2 2uF 20V 0 005uF lkV MFG Arco Matsuo Matsuo G E Raytheon Fairchild Fairchild Beckman Sprague Matsuo Sprague M...
Page 33: ...in DIP PC Socket 15 pin Single edge Connector 2 pin Male Barrier Strip 6 Terminal Meter Edgewise Compression Meter Limiting Clipping A G C All fi x e d resistors are l 4W carbon value and tolerance per sche matic Switch Multi station Pushbutton Transformer Power Input Shield for T2 Transformer Output MFG Litronix II National Signetics Augat SAE Molex Cinch Schadow Triad Microtra n II MANUFACTURER ...
Page 34: ...PIN ms lll G4S 5 FU Pllll2Jl ff l U 6 OlllllS I P N JJOO lll OIN IIJl f 7 IC S ii If Mt n cttP SS35 4 ia t ZK C W I IK 150 I c1 c oz OO I H r RZ Rz o A ll 0 11 l li c 1 n oPr R O _1_ 0 t CRZ co OOK I l 1 oQ rE 11 1 2 1 GNO f 1e CRl t e aveRCOWP TO f j kl I lil 71 t u oc OOK R tl IC OK A O 1Mf6 tC5 lf 3 S S _W s c An n RI t n t t W 0 1 a jj C 1UlA oo 0 Ac 7 s i 1 1 r _1 _t _S_t _ 2 G A flt Y INOIC ...
Page 35: ...5 Ci lD r e new _ 1 4 O TP JT C ADZ R33 t IOOK H Ot OOK u _ ZZO I ME T R I I Kl I 1V IK 0 COOJP l 2 _J H E RCOW P O _ _ _ _ _ _ i i 1 J NOTES llitESS Oll RWISC Sl CJF1Ell 1 fl SISJMS tR u v IOii Vit llf 11 OIP5 1 WA ll00S AR 50V OJI 11Tll R VAUE IN JJF J ft l SISIO S AA PIN l2 q 1 110511 0UIV flip PIN WS 1 11136115 S fEI I Nl211 U fflll l 6 DIO lS AR P 1 1100 OJIOIJOHQCIV I I IC S All P l ill 1YPE...
Page 36: ...www SteamPoweredRadio Com 34 ...
Page 37: ...lS A IIIOIS All SOV OA smn VN 11 INµ Pn lAA i SISTOOIS IE PIN l2t I 2H 7 OUIY PIP P 11205 2JIJ6 6 ru PIN l211 Off Ill l Dlotn Al P 1 UDO U 400 EQUIV I tc Cl R O 3 tl c cw oo Ci4 1 Ill r z f J t 11 Z 15 c1 GNO t z _ _ _ _ _ _ o e 13 oe r r l l l teflB c Q C e n 5 1 0 tOK CA1 I I I I I I I 3 K R O I F I I _1 l I I I R2Q zoo JM RZ 5 410 Q CI I r 20 o l IOOK f r i A _IK I AU OO K I F R 3 7 l M o c uc ...
Page 38: ... CIFl O J IOISTORS All l U 1 1011 Ylllf IN aNS 2 Ul AWO IS AP 50V OR IIET ER Y AU INµF 3 flPN lP tSJSTOltS t RE Pf II 12Clt 2N3567 EQUIV mi P 8 12 5 2 0645 5 lf T Ml 1211 Off IU 6 DIOIU ARE P R UOO lfl tOOi EQOJV 1 IC S t5 PIN 1 1J cnP 45 8 IRZ 31 r 1 3 K f A f 1 15 4 4 C O I c c Off AO 0 RI 8 cl Jz t RB 7 o CR R O o CA R CR t O Qt R J J 3 iK 215 2JI ti A o o i 1c u IJBWJ6 1 1 I I sc u TIC _ BYPAS...
Page 39: ...om l I w J FA I IMtnr r l f Na AGC A NC E PROO Po w A JB AC U N I r 1 n 11 J5 II 6AT Off 14 OVER CON 1t 1 9 JZ C R IC 1HPR SS ON J I 215 1 14 Jib J4 STEREO COUPLE E 79 1 0ooie 10 BW S 79 l l S SCHEMATIC CHASSIS j 1 152300 I A ...
Page 40: ...he purchaser to re turn equipment for warranty service to the dealer from whom it was originally purchased unless prior arrangement is made with the deafer to inspect or repair at the user s location This warranty is subject to the following conditions 1 Warranty card supplied with the equipment must be completed and returned to the factory within 10 days of purchase 2 Warranty is void if unauthor...
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