Innr manual for Remote Control RC 110
You can use the Innr remote control in two ways:
Bridge Mode
-‐ if you already have a bridge and want to add the remote control
Standalone Mode
-‐ if you don’t have a bridge and want to add lights directly to the remote
Bridge Mode
Installation (A)
In the App choose “Settings”and put the bridge in the “Search” mode; the green LED on the
bridge button will start flashing slowly.
Then simultaneously press and hold the 'program' and the '-‐' button on the remote control
for at least 3 seconds; the green LED on the RC 110 will start to blink slowly.
Once the bridge and remote found each other, the LED on the RC 110 will blink fast 5x.
Now the remote control is coupled to the bridge and the RC 110 will also appear in the
'lights’ search screen of the App.
Stop searching and choose “Done” in the app, this will register the RC 110 in the system.
The remote controls all the lights in the entire system, unless you link it to a specific room
to only control the lights in that room. This can be done in the following way:
a. Open the app and choose the room where you want to attach the remote control.
b. Press "Edit Room” and tick the box for the RC 110.
c. Now put the remote in 'learning mode’ by pressing the "Program" button for 3 seconds;
the green LED will flash slowly for 30 seconds.
d. Click, within those 30 seconds, on "Update" in the app to add the RC 110 to the room.
The remote can only be connected to one room at a time.
Standalone Mode
Installation (B)
Connect the remote control to a light bulb by holding it close to a lamp (distance <5 cm)
and then simultaneously press and hold the "Program" and "+" buttons; the green LED
will blink slowly.
The lamp will now respond by flashing once or twice. About 10 seconds later, the lamp
will again flash once or twice to indicate that it is successfully coupled with the remote
control. You can now control the lamp.
Repeat this process with all the lights you want to couple with the remote control. You
can couple up to 10 lamps to a single remote control.