Registering Other Smartphones and Tablets
Registering other Smartphones and Tablets is as easy as logging into the Tappecue Mobile App with the device
you want to register using either the admin password you have created or, if you are a guest (discussed on pg 15),
using the guest password.
Starting a Session
Our team has worked countless hours to perfect the ease of use of our Tappecue mobile app and has come up
with a simple eight step process to starting a new smoking session.
8 Simple steps to start a Session:
1) Open the Tappecue app on your Android or iOS device.
2) Login in to the App and tap on Start New Session.
3) Enter Session Name and select the Tappecue that you will be using for that Session, hit next.
4) Select the appropriate meats/ chamber for your probes. We have released an update for Dual Chamber
Probes/Splitters. These allow two readings on one port. Turn the switch on if you are using Dual Chamber
Probes/Splitters to set both meats/chambers for that port. If you are using regular single channel probes do not turn
on the switch and select 1 probe setting. (We recommend that you actually stick in the probes you have selected in
the appropriate meats/chamber at this time), hit next.
5) Review your temperatures and make any changes you wish in the Minimum and Maximum text box. If you
don't wish to, the default temperatures from your settings will be used (we also recommend doing your research on
the USDA recommended meat temperatures for safe eating before making any changes to the default meat
temperatures list), hit next.
6) Now you will select what user devices you wish to alert. Make sure that you are alerting at least one.
7) Select Start Session!
8) Finally, just plug in probes and then the Tappecue and you are all set! You can now view this session by
tapping on the View Current Session at any given time during the session.